Abat Jour	1990	®öº©ªº¬D³r
About Last Night	1986	ÁÛ°m
Absence of Malice	1982	ºÃ¥Ç
Absentminded Misadventures, The	1980	¥¢»î³½
Absolute Power	1997	¤@¯Å·À¤f	¤@IJ§Yµo
Abyss	1989	²`²W	µL©³¬}
Accidental Tourist, The	1989	µ}«È
Accidential Hero	1993	µL¦W­^¶¯	¤p¤Hª«¤j­^¶¯
Accused, The	1989	¼É§T±ùªá
Ace of Aces, The	1983	§®­pÂô¤TÃö
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective	1994	¯«±´­¸¾÷ÀY
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls	1996	¯«±´­¸¾÷ÀYÄò¶°	¤ýµP«ÂÀs2
Aces: Iron Eagle III	1992	ÅKÆN¾Ô¤hIII¦º¤`³´¨À
Achtung! The Desert Tigers	1981	©Ê·R¨gÅ]¯ÇºéÀç
Adam and Nicole	1980	¨È·í»P©gºq
Addams Family Values	1993	·Rµn¤h®a®xÄò¶°
Addams Family, The	1992	·Rµn¤h®a®x	ªü¹F¤@±Ú
Addicted to Love	1997	¤£ª¾¤£Ä±·R¤W©p	¬°§AºÆ¨g
Adventure of Baron Munchausen, The	1989	³q¤Ñ¯«±N
Adventure of Chatran, The	1986	¤l¿ßª«»y
Adventurerer Kamikaza	1984	¯««i¤TºÖ¬P
Adventures of Priscilla, The	1994	­·¹Ð¤Tµ´
After Hours	1987	¤T§ó¥b©]
Against All Odds	1984	¦M±¡
Against the Wall	1995	¼É¤õ¦MÀð
Agatha	1980	¨È¹Å²ï¥¢ÂÜ°O
Age of Innocence, The	1994	¤ß¥~«Õ±¡	¯Â¯u¦~¥N
Agency	1981	¼s§i¤H¤j³±¿Ñ
Agent on Ice	1987	¤Ñ¾÷
Agnes of God	1986	¯«ÂÝ©_®×
Air America	1991	ÅF¤Ñ¯«ÆN
Air Bud	1997	Äø³J
Air Force One	1997	ªÅ­x¤@¸¹	ªÅ­x¤@¸¹
Airport 1980- The Concorde	1980	°ê»Ú¾÷³õ¤@¤E¤K¹s
Airwolf	1985	­¸¯T¬ðŧ¶¤
Akira	1989	¨È°ò©Ô
Akira Kurosawa's Dreams	1990	¶Â¿A©ú¤§¹Ú
Al and Makoto	1983	·R»P¸Û
Aladdin	1993	ªü©Ô¤B
Alain 2	1981	²§§Î±þ¤â
Alice	1991	¬B¹Ú±¡¯u
Alien 3	1992	²§§Î¤T¶°
Alien Nation	1989	²§§Î«Ò°ê
Alient 2	1986	²§§ÎÄò¶°
Alive	1993	¤Ñ§T¾l¥Í	§Ú­n¬¡¤U¥h
All American Girl	1981	¤G¤K¦~µØ±I¹æ¤ß
All Dogs Go to Heaven	1991	¥j´bª¯¤Ñ®v
All I Want for Christmas	1991	§®­p¦X®aÅw
All Men are Mortal	1995	«e¥@¤µ¥Í
All Night Long	1983	­·ÄÌ«N¨Î¤H
All of Me	1984	°I°­¤W¿ù¨­
All that Jazz	1981	¯B¥Í­Y¹Ú
All the Right Moves	1984	¾Ä°«¦~µØ
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold	1987	°g«°Ä_ÂÃ
Alligator	1981	¤jÆs
Almost Pregnant	1992	ºë¤lX­p¹º
Alphabet City	1985	¶Âµó
Always	1990	¤Ñªø¦a¤[	ª½¨ì¥Ã»·
Always Your	1987	±N¦B¤s¼A¶}
Amadeus	1985	²ö¥¾¯S¶Ç
Amagi Pass	1986	¤Ñ«°®lºÃ®×
Amantes	1995	°½¤ß
Amateur, The	1983	¥Ï¨­
Amazing Dobermans, The	1980	ª¯¤ý¾à¤j¸é
Amazing Stories	1987	¤Û®üÅ]ÂÜ
Amazonia	1991	¦å¸{¬~§¹ê¿ý
Ambassador, The	1985	¶Ã¥@­·¶³
Ambulance, The	1992	¥Õ¨®Åå»î
America Exposed	1991	¬ü°ê©_»D¤j·j¯µ
American Anthem	1987	¦ñ§Ú¿E±¡
American Buffalo	1997	¤Ä¤ß°«¨¤
American Dreamers	1986	¿ùÅé¤Ò©d
American Flyers	1986	½Ä½u
American Gigolo	1980	¬ü°ê»R¨k
American President, The	1996	¥Õ®c©_½t	¥Õ®c©]¥¼¯v
American Shaolin	1994	¬ü°ê¤ÖªL
American Tail, AN	1987	¦Ñ¹«¤]²¾¥Á
American Tail: Fievel Goes West, An	1992	¦Ñ¹«¤]²¾¥Á¦è³¡¾úÀI°O
American Werewolf in London, An	1982	°­°l¤H
Amiteville II: The Possession	1984	°­±þ¤H
Amitville Horror, The	1980	°­«Î
Amityville 3-D	1985	»î­¸¾z´²
Among Wolves	1987	ÆN¯T¬ðÀ»¶¤
Amorous Memories	1987	µØÄR¤§¦^¾Ð
Anaconda	1997	¨gÁ¯¤§¨a	¤jÁ¯³D¢w¢w¯«¥X°­¨S
And Justice for All	1980	¯u¬Û
And The	1990	¨ä«á
And the Band Played On	1995	¥@¬öªº­úª_
Andre	1995	¶Ì°\¦Ñ¤Í°O
Angel at My Table, An	1994	»P¤Ñ¨Ï¦@®à	¥ñ®×¤Ñ¨Ï
Angel in Heave	1985	­Ý¾«N¨Î¤H
Angelica, the Young Vixen	1981	»e¥Ê¦¨¼ô®É
Angie	1994	¤£Åù¤k¤H¤ß
Animalympics	1980	°Êª«¶ø¹B·|
Annie	1983	¤p¦w©g
Another 48 Hours	1990	¥|¤Q¤K¤p®ÉÄò¶°
Another Country	1986	¦Pµ¡¤§ÅÊ
Another Woman	1989	½tºÉ¥b¥Í
Antarctica	1984	«n·¥ª«»y
Antonia's Line	1996	¤£¾a¨k¤Hªº¤é¤l	¦wªF©g¶®¤§®a
Any Which Way You Can	1981	°­°¨ª÷­è¿WÁu®±
Aopassionate	1987	§Ç¤§»R
Aphrodite	1984	·R¯«
Apocalypse Now	1980	²{¥N±Ò¥Ü¿ý
Apollo 13	1995	¤Ó¶§¯«13¸¹	ªüªiù13
Apple, The	1981	²¢µÓªG
April Pobl's Day	1986	À~À\Ãj
Arachnophobia	1990	¤pÅ]·Ù
Arctic Heat	1986	°k¥X¦è§B§Q¨È
Aria	1990	¥½¥@­·±¡µe
Aristocats, The	1994	´I¶Q¿ß
Armed and Dangerous	1986	¶W¯Å«OÅß
Army of Darkness: Evil Dead 3	1993	¤Hª±°­	Å]»|­^¶¯
Arrival, The	1997	¤Ñŧ	¥~¬P¤H¤J«I
Arthur	1982	Áï¤Ö·Ý
Ashanti	1980	¸é¤s¦a
Assassin, The	1993	¯ç¦å¨gªá	ÅRÆE·Ù
Assassins	1995	³Ì«á¨ë«È	¨ë«È¾Ô³õ
Assault, The	1987	¾Ô¤õ¸®µ£¦~
Associate, The	1997	¤Ñ¥Í¦Ñ²Ó¨g	¤j¦ë¤]ºÆ¨g
At Close Range	1987	¸q¤£®e±¡
At Play in the Fields of the Lord	1992	ºñªL§§¤h
Attraction, The	1990	ºÑÄR²ïªº±¡¤H²Ä¥|¶°
Au Petit Marquery	1996	»P¨ý¹D¦³½t
Austin Powers	1997	¦ÜOut¯S°ÈIn¼b«½	¶ø´µ¥Å¤O¶q¡G°ê»Ú¯«»Ú¤H
Avalon	1991	¬yª÷¬G¨Æ
Avenging Force	1987	ÂyÀY¦æ°Ê
Awakening	1991	µL»y°Ý»a¤Ñ	ºÎ¤H
Awakening, The	1981	¤Ñ·Ù
Awfully Big Adveture, An	1996	ÃÀ®ü©_½t
Ay, Carmela!	1992	¥d¬ü®R¸U·³
Babe	1996	Ä_¨©¤p½ÞáM	§Ú¤£²Â,©Ò¦³§Ú¦³¸Ü»¡
Baby Game	1980	­âªÅ¼b¤l
Baby Love	1984	¤@¨£·ö±¡
Baby's Day Out	1994	¶W¯à¶ë¨§ÁK
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend	1986	Å]°ì®£Às
Bachelor Party	1984	ºÆ¨g¤µ±ß©]
Back Roads	1984	¤Ñ²P¸ô
Back to School	1986	¾Ç¥Í¬Ó«Ò
Back to the Future	1985	¦^¨ì¥¼¨Ó
Back to the Future II	1990	¦^¨ì¥¼¨ÓÄò¶°
Back to the Future III	1990	¦^¨ì¥¼¨Ó²Ä¤T¶°
Backbeat	1995	©ÜÀY·³¤ë
Backdraft	1991	¯P¤õ¶¯¤ß
Bad Boys	1983	Ãa«Ä¤l
Bad Boys	1995	­«®×¹Ú¤Û²Õ	µ´¦a¾Ôĵ
Bad Influence	1990	³£¥«¨g±¡
Bad Timingh	1981	©Ê©ü°g
Bagdad Cafe	1989	µo¹F©@±Æ«Ç
Bakayaro, I'm Plenty Mad	1990	°Z¦³¦¹²z
Ballad of Narayama, The	1984	Ùj¤s¸`¦Ò
Baltimore Bullet, The	1980	¤@´Ò¨«¤Ñ²P
Band of the Hand	1986	¤E¤Ï¦a±a
Banzai	1986	 A÷i­^¶¯
Barb Wire	1996	¶VªÅ°lÀ»
Barbara and Ursula	1980	¤Ú¤Ú©Ô»P¯QĬ©Ô
Barbarians, The	1987	¥ñÅ]¯«±N
Barton Fink	1992	¤~¤l¹ÚÅå»î	¤Ú¹yªâ§J
Basic Instinct	1992	¥»¯à	²Ä¤»·P°l½r¥O
Basketball Diary	1995	Ãä½t¤é°O
Bathing Beauty	1987	¥X¤ô¬ü¤H³½
Batman & Robin	1997	½¿½»«L»Pù»«	½¿½»«L4¢w¢w«æ­á¤H
Batman	1990	½¿½»«L
Batman Forever	1995	·s½¿½»«L¢w¤£±Ñ¤§Á¼
Batman Returns	1992	½¿½»«L¦A¾Ô­·¶³	½¿½»«L¤jÅ㯫«Â
Battletruck	1984	¾÷°Ê³ùÂS
Beaches	1989	²ö­t·í¦~±¡
Bear Island	1980	ºµ®q§§¤h¦å
Bear, The	1989	¤lºµ¬G¨Æ
Beastmaster, The	1983	Ã~¤ý¥ñÅ]
Beat Street	1984	µóÀY»R¤h
Beautiful Girls	1996	·R±¡¤×ª«	¬üÄR¨Î¤H
Beautiful Things	1997	·U·R·U¬üÄR	¸U¨Æ¬ü¦n
Beauty and the Beast	1992	¬ü¤k»P³¥Ã~
Beavis & Butt-Head Do America	1997	øuÉÓB	½E¥|»P¤jÀY³J
Bed of Roses	1996	²×¦³¤@¤Ñ·P°Ê©p	ª´ºÀªá§É
Bedroom Eyes II	1991	¹jµ¡¦³²´
Bedroom Window	1987	¦åµ¡°g»î
Beethoven	1992	µL¼Ä·í®a	§Ú®a¤]¦³¨©¦hªâ
Beethoven's 2nd	1994	µL¼Ä·í®a²Ä2¥N	¤@®a¤»¤f
Beethoven's Nephew	1987	¨©¦hªâ¥~¶Ç
Before the Rain	1996	¤s«B±ý¨Ó	¼É«B±N¦Ü
Being Different	1982	¤Ñ¥Í²§§Î
Being There	1980	´I¶Q­¢¤H¨Ó
Belle Epoque	1994	·Rªº¹Å¦~µØ
Bells	1983	¤¿¹a
Ben-Hur	»«¼V	»«º~
Best Defence	1985	¦æ¹B¨â±øÀs
Best Friends	1983	³Ì¨Î¦ñ«Q
Best Intentions, The	1994	±¡¤Ñ¥¼¦Ñ
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The	1983	ÄÆ­»°|
Best Seller	1987	°l©R·Ù¬P
Betrayal	1986	ÄF±¡
Betrayed	1989	¤j¤Ï«q
Betty Blue	1987	¤Ú¾¤³¥ª´ºÀ
Beverly Hill Cop III	1994	§®±´¥X®t²Ä¤T¶°	ÅRÆE¬¶
Beverly Hills Cop	1985	§®±´¥X®t	¤ñ¦ò§Q¤s¶W¯Åĵ±´
Beverly Hills Cop II	1987	§®±´¥X®tÄò¶°
Beyond the Clouds	1996	¶³¤Wªº¤é¤l	¶³ºÝ¤§¥~
Beyond the Shining Sea	1987	¥Ã»·ªº¦Ð©u¤l
Beyond, The	1981	°­Án¼S¼S
Bibi Confession of Sweet 16	1980	°§´÷¤p²]«½
Big Bang, The	1990	©Ê¾Ô©_§L
Big Blue, The	1989	©]®ü¶É±¡
Big Chill	1984	¤s¤ô¤S¬Û³{
Big Easy, The	1989	¶V­y·F±´
Big Foot and the Hendersons	1987	¤j¸}¤K
Big Iguana, The	1989	°]°g¤ß¬
Big Red One, The	1983	¬õ¢°Áa¶¤
Big Trouble in Little China	1986	§¯Å]¤j¾x¤p¯«¬w
Bigglea	1986	®É¥ú©Ç³Ç
Bikini Shop	1989	§Ú·R¤ñ°í¥§
Billy Bathgate	1991	¸qÁx­·¶³	±jªÌ¬°¤ý
Billy's Holiday	1996	¹Ú¼v¬yÁn
Bip Racket, The	1984	¦å¾Ô¸o´c«°
Bird	1989	¤Ñ¸Í
Bird on a Wire	1990	ÅF¤Ñ«N¼b«½
Birdcage, The	1996	°²»ñµê°Ä	³¾Å¢
Birds of a Feather	1981	°²»ñµê°Ä
Birth, The	1990	©Ê¥»µL¨¸
Bitch, The	1980	«N«»®Q
Bitter Moon	1992	°½¤ë°g±¡
Bizarre	1989	ºÑÄR²ïªº±¡¤H
Black Cauldron, The	1986	¶Â¯«Å]
Black Emmannelle No. 2	1981	¶Â¬Ã¯]¦ã°Ò§¬
Black Hole, The	1980	¶Â¬}
Black Jack	1997	©ÇÂ寳³Õ¤h
Black Moon Raising	1986	»È¼uÆE
Black Rain	1989	¶Â«B
Black Stallion, The	1980	ÆF¾s
Black Widow	1987	¶Â»jµï
Blade Runner	1983	2020
Blame it On Rio	1984	±¡Äu¥b¶}®É
Blastfighter	1985	½Ä¾W³´°}
Blind Beast, The	1980	ª¼Ã~
Blind Date	1985	¤jªÏ¸Ñ
Blind Date	1987	¾K°s«N¨Î¤H
Blind Fury	1989	¸qÁx´åÀs
Blind Side	1994	¨B¨BÅå»î
Blink	1994	±¡Åå¤@ÀK
Blood & Wine	1997	¤p¤ß¤k¤H
Blood and Sand	1991	­À½º¨gªá
Blood Simple	1986	¦å°g®c
Bloodbrothers	1982	¦Ñªê¥J
Bloody Chopper	1989	Âť͠s
Bloody Moon	1981	¤¿ÆN
Blow Out	1982	¥û½u
Blown Away	1994	¹sÂIÃz¯}
Blue City	1987	¦å°lÀ»
Blue in the Face	1996	·ÏÅÜ«µ¤§ºÉ¦R¤ß¤¤±¡
Blue Jean Cop	1990	¯Ã¬ù©]ÆN
Blue Lagoon, The	1980	«C«C¬À·ä®q
Blue Sky	1995	ªÚ¤ßªº©ñÁa	ÂŤÑ
Blue Steel	1990	ÅRÆEÂŤѨÏ
Blue Thunder	1983	ÂÅÅRÆE
Blue Velvet	1987	ÂŦâ©]¦Xªá
Blues Brothers	1980	°­°¨¥S§Ì
Boat, The	1982	¢ã¼ç¸¥96
Body Double	1985	¯»¬õ¦â±þ¤H©]
Body Heat	1982	µI¨­
Body of Evidence	1993	¨ª»rÅ屡
Bodyguard, The	1992	Å@ªá¶É±¡	²×·¥«OÅß
Bohashi Bushido	1981	¦×ªL¡D®ö¤l¡D§Ö¤M
Bon Appetit	1982	¼Ö¦b¨ä¤¤
Bonfire of Vanities, The	1991	©]³£°g±¡
Boogey Man, The	1981	¹Ü¾z
Boomering	1992	±¡³õ±þ¤â	ªá¤j¤ÖÂô±¡Ãö
Border, The	1982	­¸¶V«ÊÂê½u
Borderline	1985	¦aº»¤Ñ°ó
Bordollo of Blood	1996	«Õ­ß©Ç½ÍÄò¶°
Born on the Fourth of July	1990	¥Í©ó¤C¤ë¥|¤é	¤C¤ë¥|¤é½Ï¥Í
Born Yesterday	1993	¥X¦ì§®¤k­¦
Bostoniana, The	1987	¦W³£¤§ÅÊ
Bound	1996	¤jÁxªº·R¤p¤ßªº°½
Bounty, The	1984	«qÄ¥¦å¥v
Boxer the Cartoon	1987	¥_¤æ¤§®±
Boxing Helena	1994	±¡¸H®ü­Û®R	²°¸Ë¬ü¤H
Boy who Could Fly, The	1987	½Ä¤WºÑ¶³¤Ñ
Boy's Life, The	1995	¤£¦p...­«·s¶}©l
Boys	1997	¤ß«ä«äªìÅʬG¨Æ
Boys from Brazil, The	1980	¯Çºé¨gºØ
Boys on the Side	1995	©@°Ø¡B¯ù&	Tequila
Braindead	1993	¸s«Íª±¹L¬É
Brainscan	1994	±þ¤H¤èµ{¦¡
Bram Stoker's Dracula	1993	§l¦åíL«ÍÅ屡¥|¦Ê¦~	§l¦å°­
Braveheart	1995	Åå¥@¥¼¤F½t	­^¶¯¥»¦â
Brazil	1986	§®·Q¤Ñ¶}
Breakdance	1984	ÅRÆE»R
Breakdown	1997	µ´¦a¦M¾÷	1997®«±N©_§L
Breaking Away	1980	¬ð¯}
Breaking the Waves	1997	·R±¡¤¤¤£¯à©Ó¨üªºµh	¯}®ö¦Ó¥X
Breathless	1983	¿E±¡
Breezy	1980	¦MÀI¤Q¤C·³
Bride, The	1986	¬ì¾Ç®L«½
Bridges of Madison County, The	1995	³Á­}»¹¤§¾ô
Brink's Job, The	1980	Àsªê¤j¸é¤Ö°¦¤â
Brilliant Lies	1997	¥X¦âÁÀ¨¥
Brimstone & Trouche	1984	¤Þ¯T¤J«Ç
Britannia Hospital	1983	ÂåªÌÅ]°­¤ß
Broken Arrow	1996	Â_½b¦æ°Ê	Â_½b
Bronco Billy	1980	µwº~¤ñ§Q
Bronx Tale, A	1995	¤£¤@¼Ëªºµ£¦~
Brothers McMcmullen, The	1996	²{¥@ÅÊ	¥L­Ì©M¥L­Ìªº±¡¤H
Brubaker	1980	¶Âº»ª÷­è
Brude of Re -- Animator	1991	¬¡¸õ«ÍÄò¶°
Buddy Holly Story, The	1980	­^¤~«ë
Bugsy	1992	¤@¥N±¡±ú¢w²¦´µ	»¨±¡¥|®ü
Bull Durham	1989	±µ´Î±¡½t
Bullet	1996	¶Âµó±þ¤â
Bullets Over Broadway	1995	¤l¼u¾î­¸¦Ê¦Ñ¶×	¦Ê¦Ñ¶×¤WªÅ¤l¼u
Bullshot	1985	²Å¸L´±¦º¶¤
Burbs, The	1989	­¸¶V¥j©Ç«Î
Burnese Harp, The	1987	½q¨l½Ýµ^
Burning Flowers	1989	ªì¸Õ¤Ö¦~±¡
Burning, The	1982	¿N«Í
Burnt by the Sun 		¬r¤Ó¶§	¯P¤é¨`¨­
Buster	1989	·ö±¡¤j¤V¤Ò
Butcher's Wife, The	1992	¤Ñ¾÷¹Ú¬ü¤H
Butterflies	1980	¨g¸Á®ö½º
Butterfly	1982	½¹½º¥J
C.H.O.M.P.S.	1981	¾÷ÆFª¯
Cable Guy, The	1996	°I°­½u¤H	¤ýµP¯S¬£­û
Cadillac Man	1990	¦W©C¤j¤V¤Ò
Cage	1990	¨gÀs¥»¦â
California	1980	¦Ñªê°{¹qºj
California Dolla, The	1982	¥[¦{«N¼b«½
Caligula	1983	¥d¨½¥j©Ô
Call Me	1990	¤È©]ªº»¤´b
Camilla	1995	¦³²Í¬Û»E
Camille Claudel	1990	ù¤¦ªº±¡¤H
Camorra	1987	¤k¤Hµó¤@±Úªº³±¿Ñ
Can't Stop the Music	1980	°±¤£¤Fªº­µ¼Ö
Candyman	1993	°l©R¶Ç»¡
Cannibal Apocalypse	1980	­¹¤H¨g
Cannibal Ferox	1981	´Ý»Å­¹¤H±Ú
Cannibal Holocaust	1981	¤H­¹¤H¹ê¿ý
Cannonball Run II	1984	¯¥¼u­¸¨®Äò¶°
Cannonball Run, The	1981	¬¶¼u­¸¨®
Cape Fear	1992	®ü¨¤Åå»î	®£§G¨¤
Car from Outer Space	1981	°­°¨¤ÓªÅ¿ß
Car Napping	1980	°½¨®¤j¸é
Carlito's Way	1994	±¡±úªº¾¤©ú	¨¤ÀY­·¶³
Carmen	1985	¥dªù
Carrington	1996	·R»PµhªºÃäºñ	¬Á¼þ±¡¤H
Casino	1996	½ä«°­·¶³	½ä°ê­·¶³
Casper	1995	°­°¨¤pÆFºë
Casualties of War	1990	Ä^¾Ô
Cat and the Canary, The	1982	¿ý¼v±açÕ±þ®×
Cat People	1982	°\©f
Cat's Eye	1986	¿ß²´
Catholic Boys	1986	ª±¦ºªüSir
Caveman, The	1981	­ì©l¤H
Ceremony, The	1981	ÄmÄ_Âù¯]
Certain Fury	1985	¶Âº»ÅQ¤ýªá
Chain Reaction	1996	³sÂê¤ÏÀ»	³sÂê¤ÏÀ³
Chained Heart	1984	¶Âº»­¸»ñ
Challege, The	1983	¬D¾ÔªÌ
Chamber, The	1997	¬r«Çµô¨M	²×·¥¼f§P
Champions	1985	­¸ÅD¤H¥Í
Chances Are	1989	¦A¥@«N­¦§g
Chanel Solitare	1983	­»¤ô¤k¤ý
Change of Seasons, A	1981	·Q°µ´N¥h°µ
Changeling, The	1980	¹Ü¾z­ÞÆF
Chaplin	1993	¨ô§OÆF¶Ç	¨ô§OªL»P¥Lªº±¡¤H
Chariots of Fire	1982	¯P¤õ¾Ô¨®
Charlie and Louise	1996	¬Û³{¦Û¬O¦³½t
Charlie Bravo	1981	¬d²z´±¦º¶¤
Charlie Chan & the Curse of the Dragon Queen	1982	§®±´¨â¤½®]
Child's Play	1989	«½°­¦^»î
Childhood Days	1991	¤Ö¦~®É¥N
Children of the Curn	1986	Ý_°­¥J
China Cry	1991	­úª_ªº¤¤°ê
China Girl	1989	¹ÚÂ_Às«°
Chorus Line, A	1986	¥­¨B«C¶³
Christine	1984	¾y¤O®Vµ·¥Å
Christine F.	1982	¼Z¸¨µó
Christy	1980	Âú§²®Vµ·¥Å
Cinema Paradiso	1990	¬P¥ú¦ñ§Ú¤ß
Cinema Thieves	1996	¹q¼vµs¸é
Circle of Two	1983	¤Q¤»·³ªº·R
Circles of Friends	1995	½t¨Ó¬O§A
City Hall	1996	¥ßÅéÁÀ¨¥	ÀÉ®×­·¼É
City Heat	1985	»¶¤â¯«±´«ü¤Ñ´Ô
City of Joy	1992	Åw¼Ö¤§«°	Åw³ß«°
City Rock	1985	«°¥«¼Ö
City Slicker	1991	«°¥«·ÆÀY
Class	1984	°ª§÷¥Í
Class Action	1991	ªkºô¶¯¤ß
Class of	1999	1990	ÅK¥Ò¾Ç°ó1999
Clear and Present Danger	1994	¿U¬Ü°lÀ»	­¢¤Áªº¦M¾÷
Client, The	1994	­P©R¤º¹õ	²×·¥µý¤H
Cliffhanger	1993	µ´À­¶¯­·	Åq®p¾Ô¤h
Clockwork Orange	1980	µo±ø¾í
Clonus Horror, The	1983	½Æ»s¤H
Close Encounter of the Third Kind	1981	¯S§Oª©²Ä¤TÃþ±µÄ²
Clueless	1995	¥{¤k´xªù¤H	¿W»â­·ÄÌ
Coach	1982	¥¿¤æ±Ð½m¥j´bªi
Coal Miner's Daughter	1981	¬K­·±o·N¤W¶³¾]
Coast to Coast	1981	¶Ì¨Ð­¸¨®Âô±¡Ãö
Cobra	1986	ÅKÁx«ÂÀs
Cocktail	1989	ªá¤ß±¡¸t	Âû§À°s
Cocoon	1986	¤Ñõ
Code of Silence	1985	»¶¤â²rÀs
Codename Invaders	1985	±K½X³¥ÃZ
Coed Fever	1981	×u¬K»Õ
Cohen and Tate	1989	¼É¨«°gÂ÷©]
Collections Privees	1984	©Ê¡D·R¡D¼¤
Color of Money, The	1987	ª÷¿ú¥»¦â
Color of Night	1994	¶Â©]¤§¦â	©]¦â
Color Purple, The	1986	µµ¦â
Coman the Barbarian	1982	¤ýªÌ¤§¼C
Come Back	1984	°½´çµD¤½ªe
Come See the Paradise	1990	¯B¥@ÅÊ
Comfort of Strangers, The	1991	­¯¥Íªº»¤´b
Commando	1986	¿WÂôÀs¼æ	Å]°­¥q¥O
Commando Leopard	1986	¤õ°\±O«°
Commitments, The	1991	°l¹ÚªÌ
Company Executive	1993	·m¹h³øªÀ
Company of Wolves	1985	¤H¯T©Ç½Í
Competition, The	1981	«OÅ@»P®üºw
Con Air	1997	Åå¤Ñ°Ê¦a	ªÅ¤¤ºÊº»
Conan the Destroyer	1984	ÅQ¤ý¯«¼C
Concrete Jungle, The	1983	½Ä¥X¼Z¸¨«°
Condorman	1981	¨rÆN¤H
Congo	1995	­èªGÅå»î	­èªG
Conquest of the Earth	1981	¦a²yª§ÅQ¾Ô
Consenting Adults	1993	´«©dÅå»î
Conspiracy Theory	1997	³sÂê³±¿Ñ	µ´©R¤j¤ÏÀ»
Contact	1997	¶W®ÉªÅ±µÄ²	¬P»Ú±µÄ²
Coo form the Faraway Sea	1994	²`®üªºµ£¸Ü
Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The	1990	±¡¼¤¦â­»¨ý
Cool Running	1994	¨k¨à·í½Ä½u
Coolangata Gold, The	1986	»¨±¡§§§Ó
Cop Land	1997	ĵ¹î«Ò°ê
Copycat	1996	Å|¼v¿Ñ±þ®×	¥û¤â´N¦bªù¥~
Corrina, Corrina	1995	§á­p·í®a
Corruption	1989	ºÑÄR²ïªº±¡¤H²Ä¤T¶°
Cotton Club	1985	´Öªá­Ñ¼Ö³¡
Country Cuzzins	1980	¤j®a¼Ö
Coupe De Ville	1991	¤â¨¬¤T¤H²Õ
Courage Under Fire	1996	¥Í¦º»¨±¡	¤õ½u«i®ð
Cousins	1989	¿Ë¿Ëªí©f	ªi¤ñªí­ô
Cows	1994	¤û
Crash	1997	¼¤±æ¸¹§Ö¨®	¶W³t©Ê°l½r
Crazies, The	1980	±þ¥X¨g¤HÂí
Crazy America	1993	¬ü°ê©]ºÆ¨g
Crazy Love	1990	ºÆ·R
Crazy Nights	1980	¥@¬É©Ê·R©_½ì¿ý²Ä¤G¶°
Creator	1986	®v¥Í©çÀÉ°l¤k¥J
Cries of Ecstasy Bloods of Death	1980	©Ê·R2062
Crimes and Misdemeanors	1990	Åw±¡¤Ó¼È
Crimewave	1985	ù©R¤µ®d
Criminal Law	1990	¦å«B±ùªá
Crimson Tide	1995	¬õ¼é­·¼É	¨ª¦â­·¼É
Critters	1986	Å]ºë
Crocodile	1982	Æs³½¤j¨aÃø
Crocodile' Dundee	1987	Æs³½¥ý¥Í
Cross My Heart	1993	¦A¨£¦Pµ¡
Crossing Borders	1991	¤j¦Õ¤û¤p¶Ç
Crossing Delancey	1990	²ö­t¦³±¡¤H
Crossing Guard, The	1996	72¤p®É¥Í¦º½u	72¤p®ÉÅ]°­°l±þ¥O
Crow, The	1994	¯Q¾~
Crucible, The	1997	§ªµK­¸¦Ç	¿E±¡¦~¥N
Cruel War	1982	­x°ê¥D¸q¼É¦æ¿ý
Cry in the Dark, A	1989	¶Â·t¤¤ªº©I¸¹
Cry, the Beloved Country	1996	­úª_ªº¤j¦a
Crying Freeman	1990	²\²´·Ù¬P	­úª_±þ¯«
Crying Freeman II	1991	²\²´·Ù¬PII¤ñÁl³s²z
Crying Freeman: The Final Encounter	1994	²\²´·Ù¬P¤jµ²§½
Crying Game, The	1993	­úª_ªº¹CÀ¸	¶Ã¥@¯B¥Í
Crystal Heart	1987	¤@©]ºÆ¨g½t¥¼¤F
Cuji	1984	ºÆ¾½
Curdled	1997	¯d§C§A­Ó¦º¤HÀY
Cure, The	1995	Æs³½¡Bªi¾c¡B¨«¤Ñ²P	¯u±¡¥@¬É
Curly Sue	1992	³ÌQ©çÀÉ
Curse of Michael Myers, The	1996	¥û¥ú¤á¬ª
Curse of the Pink Panther	1983	²V¦NÀ°¿ì
Cutthroat Island	1996	¹ÜÄ_Áa¾î	³Î³ï®q
Cutting Edge, The	1992	¶V¬É¿E±¡
Cyborg	1989	¼É¤O¾Ô¤h
Cyborg II: Glass Shadow	1995	¦t©z¨gªá
Cyrano De Bergerac	1990	¤j»ó¤l±¡¸t
D. A. R. Y. L.	1986	¥¼¨Ó¤p¤l
D.C. Cab	1985	·m­¹ÅQ¤ý¨®
Damage	1993	·R±¡­«¶Ë	¯P¤õ±¡¤H
Dance with a Stranger	1986	­^­ÛÄ^Åʪá
Dance with Wolves	1991	»P¯T¦@»R
Dancers	1987	¤@»R¶É±¡
Dangerous Liaisons	1989	Ä^ÅʵI±¡
Dangerous Minds	1996	«D±`±Ð®v	¦MÀI¹CÀ¸
Dante's Peak	1997	¯P¿V¨g®p	¤Ñ±Y¦aµõ
Dark Angel	1991	¤ÑÅ]«ÂÀs
Dark Crystak	1983	Å]¤ô´¹
Dark Habits	1994	­×¤k·RºÆ¨g
Dark, The	1980	©]Å]
Darkman	1990	Åܧζ«L
Daughters	1995	­·¸Ì¸¨ªá
Dave	1993	Ãú¤ôÁ`²Î	«_µPÁ`²Î
Dawn of the Mummy	1986	ÅܧΤì¤D¥ì
Day After, The	1983	®Ö¾Ô¤§«á
Day of the Dead	1986	³à«Í¥XÅ¢
Daylight	1996	Às¥X¥Í¤Ñ	¤Q¸U¤õ«æ
Days of Fury	1980	¤Ñ¨a¾îº×
Days of Heaven	1987	¹ÚÂ_¤Ñ²P
Days of Thunder	1990	¹p¾^§§§Ó	ÅRÆE¨k¨à
Dead Again	1992	¦A¥@Å屡	¦AÄò«e¥@±¡
Dead and Buried	1982	«ÕÆF¤ý°ê
Dead Bang	1990	±þ¥X¬¥§üÁF
Dead Cantlie, The	1989	°gÂ÷©]¦Xªá
Dead Heat	1990	³à«Í¯Sĵ
Dead Man Walking	1996	¦º¥}168¤p®É	¶V¹L¦º¤`½u
Dead Mother, The	1996	±þ¤â¡E½¹½º¡E¹Ú
Dead Poets Society	1990	¼É«Bź¶§	¬K­·¤Æ«B
Dead Pool, The	1989	ªê±´°l»î
Dead Ringers	1989	Ä^¦©
Dead Zone, The	1984	IJÆF
Deadly Blessing	1982	¤\À~°­
Deadly Game	1987	µs«ÄªÌ
Deady Drey	1991	¾Ô¹v
Deal of the Century	1987	­x¤õ¤j¸é
Death Balley	1983	°²¤é±O¤Ò
Death Becomes Her	1992	­¸¶Vªø¥Í	®»¯«§Ë°­
Death before Dishonor	1987	ÅK¦å­x»î
Death Hunt	1981	³·À­¹L¦¿Às
Death Machine	1995	±þ¯«10¸¹
Death of a Saleman	1987	±À¾P­û¤§¦º
Death on the Nile	1980	¥§Ã¹ªe¿Ñ±þ®×
Death Shadow	1987	ªá¤§­·¼É
Death Ship	1980	¨¸²î
Death to the Madison	1995	¤£¹D¼wªº¼f§P
Death Warmed Up	1987	 s¸£¦æ«Í
Death Warrant	1991	¦a¤U¯Sĵ
Death Wish 3	1986	Äê°­µó
Death Wish II	1982	²rÀs©Ç«ÈÄò¶°
Deathstalker	1986	¸t¼C±OÅ]
Deathtrap	1983	¤`­p¤¤­p
Decalogue, The	1990	¤Q»|¤§±¡¡D±þ
Deceived	1992	«¤¤Ø¦M±¡
Deep Blue Night	1986	²¾¥Á¦ó»ù
Deepstar Six	1989	²`®ü²§§Î
Defence Condition 4	1986	¥½¤é±ú¶¯
Defiance	1983	²´¤õÃz
Delicatessan	1992	§®¤£¥i¨¥
Delicious	1984	¦³¨D¥²À³
Delores Chaiborne	1996	Åå³¾	¼ö²\¶Ë²ª
Delta Force, The	1986	¬ðŧ¨©¾|¯S
Delta of Venus	1996	±¡°gºû¯Ç´µ
Demolition Man	1993	¶VªÅ¨gÀs	¶W¯Å¾Ôĵ
Demon Knight	1995	«Õ­ß©Ç½Í
Demons	1986	²r°­À¸°|
Demons II	1987	²r°­Â½¥Í
Dennis the Menace	1993	¹jÂ÷«Î­Ó¥J
Desire	1990	±¡©w«Â¥§´µ
Desire within Young Girls	1980	¼¤®ü©n©fªá
Desperado	1996	¤T¨B±þ¤H¦±	­^¶¯¤£¬y²\
Desperate Hours	1991	¤`©R¤Ñ¨Ï
Desperately Seeking Susan	1985	¯«¯µ¬ù·|
Detective Katayama	1986	¦Dĵ¬G¨Æ
Detective School Dropout	1987	ªÛ¤h¯«±´
Detective Story, The	1985	±´°»ª«»y
Devil's Honey, The	1990	±¡²o³¥¦Ê¦X
Devil's Own, The	1997	Å]°­¦P¦æ	­P©R¬ðÀ»¶¤
Diabolique	1996	Ä^°g®c	Åå¥@²Ä¤»·P
Dick Tracy	1990	¦Ü´L¯«±´	­}§J±Z¦è
Die Hard 2	1990	ªêÁxÀs«ÂÄò¶°
Die Hard with a Vengeance	1995	ªêÁxÀs«Â²Ä¤T¶°
Die hard 	ªêÁxÀs«Â	²×·¥Äµ±´
Dien Bien Phu	1992	³þÃ䩲
Different for Girls	1996	§Ñ°O¦o¬O¥L
Dim Sum	1986	¶Â¤ß
Dirty Dancing 	»¶¨­»R	¼ö»R¤Q¤C
Dirty Mary	1982	ĵªá°«¨gÅ]
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels	1989	°½¤ß¤j¤Ö
Dirty Tricks	1980	¯QÀs±Ð±Â³â³å©Û
Disapperance, The	1982	°gÂ÷±þ¤â
Disclosure	1995	«q°f©ÊÄÌÂZ	®ç¦â¾÷±K
Dispara	1995	¼É§T¬õÃC
Distance City from Spring, A	1987	»·¤sªº©I³ê
Distinguished Gentleman, The	1993	·m¿ú²Ô¤h	·ÆÀY²Ô¤hÂô³qÃö
Dive, The	1990	²`²W¦M±¡
Divorcee	1987	¥¢±B°ü¦Û¥Õ®Ñ
Do the Right Thing	1990	¤£§@Á«¤ß¨Æ
Doctor, The	1992	¦A¥Í¤§®È
Doe Hollywood	1991	²ü¨½¬¡Âå¥Í	¦nµÜ¶õÂå¥Í
Dog Tags	1989	¸qÁx­x»î
Dogs of War, The	1981	´±¤B¶¤°½¤Ñ´«¤é
Doing Time	1985	ºÊÄ»¤]ºÆ¨g
Don Juan De Marco	1995	¤Ñ¥Í·R±¡¨g	³o­Ó¨k¤H¦³ÂI¦â
Don't Play with Tiger	1983	¤j¤H¶}®¦
Don't Tell Her It's Me	1992	­¸¶V·Rªe
Donnie Brasco	1997	©¾¦l¤H	Åå¤ÑÃz
Doom Generation, The	1996	ª±Âॽ¥@¬ö
Doors, The	1991	¤õ¼ÖµI«°	ªù
Doppelganger	1993	Å|Å]Åå¼é
Doraemon and the Dinosaur	1982	¤KÄ_¥m¾´
Doraemon-Nobita and His Musketeers	1994	¥m¾´¤§Å]°ì¤T¼C«L
Double Impact	1992	Å|¼v«ÂÀs
Double McGuffin	1982	è°¥J°«¤jÆs
Double Team	1997	¤ÏÀ»¤ý	Âù­«¤õ¤O
Double Trouble	1985	©Û¿n¦Ñªê
Double Zero	1981	¦Ê¹½¬P¥X¿ß
Down and Out in Beverly Hill	1986	¯î­ð¼Éµo¤á
Downtown	1990	¥X®t¬õµf°Ï
Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hyde	1981	©Ç§Î³Õ¤h
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde	1996	©Ç³ÇÅÜ¿ù¨­	§ÚÅÜ,§ÚÅÜ,§ÚÅÜÅÜÅÜ!
Dragon Bal Z/ Slam Dunks	1994	Às¯]Z/	¨k¥ý·í¤J¾ê
Dragon Ball Z	1991	Às¯]Z¶W¦èº¸¤H®]®©ªÅ
Dragon Ball Z II	1992	Às¯]Z100»õ¯à¶q¾Ô¤h
Dragon Ball Z Part 3	1993	Às¯]Z²Ä¤T¶°
Dragon Ball Z/ Slump Dunk	1995	Às¯]Z®©¤Ñ¤j¯}¥Í¤Æ¾Ô¤h
Dragon Z 4 Superwarriors Galaxy	1994	Às¯]Z»Èªe³Ì±j¾Ô¤h
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story	1993	§õ¤pÀs¶Ç
Dragonheart	1996	Å]¤Û±OÀs	Å]Às¶Ç©_
Dragonslayer	1982	±OÀs°O
Drark Angel	1990	¤ÑÅ]«ÂÀs
Dream Team	1989	¤Ñ¤~¤@±Ú
Dreams of Desire	1980	¼¤¹Ú
Dreamscape	1985	Å]°ì·Ù¬P
Dressed to Kill	1981	«c¤MÃä½t
Driving Me Crazy	1992	¨ª¤lµ£¯u
Driving Miss Daisy	1990	¤s¤ô³ß¬Û³{
Droga Sterco Di Dio	1989	°ê»Ú³c¬r·j¯µ
Drop Dred Fred	1992	¼²ªO¨Î¤H¦Ê¹½°­
Drop Zone	1995	¶VªÅ­¸Às	²×·¥¯S°Ï
Drugstore Cowboy	1990	°g¤Û¤û­¦
Dry White Season, A	1989	¦å¬Vªº©u¸`
Dumb and Dumber	1995	µ´¥@ÉÓÄ_	ªü§b»Pªü¥Ê
Dune	1985	¬P»Ú©_§L
Dying Young	1991	¯d¦í¦³±¡¤H
Dynasty	1980	¤¤°ê­·¶³
E.T. - The Extra - Terrestrial	1983	¢Ó¢â¥~¬P¤H	¥~¬P¤H
Easy Money	1986	»È¯È§@©Ç
Eat a Bowl of Tea	1989	¤@¸J¯ù
Eaten Alive	1980	­¹¤H±Ú¤j±O±þ
Ecstasy Girls, The	1981	¦â¼¤¥|¼bªá
Ed Wood	1995	¦ã¬¡¶Ç
Eddie	1997	ºÆ¨g±Ð½m¤]¤J¾ê
Eddie Macon's Run	1983	»°¨ìºÉ
Edge of Sanity	1989	ªáµó±O¤Ò
Edo Porn	1987	¥_ÂNº©µe
Edward Scissorhands	1991	¤Û®ü©_½t
Eighth Day, The	1997	²Ä8¤é
Electric Dreams	1985	°­°¨¹q¸£°l¤k¥J
Electric Horseman, The	1980	¹qÃM¤h
Element of Risk	1982	ÅKª÷­è«i¯}¶Àª÷¶°¹Î
Elementary School, The	1993	¤p¾Ç­^¶¯¶Ç
Eleni	1986	°l¥û¤T¤Q¦~
Elephant Man, The	1981	¶H¤H
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights	1990	¤Q¤@¤é¤Q¤@©]
Eliminators	1987	ÅR¾_¾Ô¯«
Elsa	1981	­x§²·RÓ}
Elvira Madigan	1991	¤µ¥Í¤µ¥@
Elvira, Mistress of the Darkness	1989	¾P»î¤Ñ®v
Emannelle IV	1984	¦ã°Ò§¬²Ä¥|¶°
Embrace the Vampire	1995	§l¦åÅ屡
Emerald Forest Girls Just Want to Have Fun, The	1985	ºñªL¯E§T
Emily	1983	¦ã¬ü²ú
Emma	1997	ªÚ¤ß·Rº©¹C	¦ãº¿©h®Q­n¥X¶ù
Emmanuelle 5	1987	¦ã°Ò§¬¤§ÅÊ
Emmanuelle VI	1989	¦ã°Ò§¬²Ä¤»¶°
Emmeuelle's 7th Heaven	1995	¶W·P©x¥@¬É
Emperor Strikes Back: Special Edition, The	1997	«Ò°ê¤ÏÀ»¾Ô¢w¯S§Oª©
Empire of Passion	1989	·R¤§¤¯ÆF
Enchanted April	1993	±¡°g¥|¤ë¤Ñ
Endless Love	1982	µLºÉªº·R
Enemies, A Love Story	1990	°°±¡¥b¥Í
Enemy Mine	1986	¦t©z¾Ô¤h
English Patient, The	1997	§O°Ý§Ú¬O½Ö	­^­Û±¡¤H
Enigma	1983	¥L¨Ó¦ÛªF¼w
Entity, The	1982	ÆFÅé
Eraser	1996	»]µo±K¥O	Å]°­·´·ÀªÌ
Erotic Aphrodite	1980	·R¯«¶®µá¹F
Erotic Passion	1982	¦p·ö¦p¾K
Erotic Trap	1981	¤H¤§¼¤
Escape from Hell	1980	¤k¥}¥Ç¤j°k¤`
Escape from L.A.	1996	°k¥X¬¥§üÁF	¬¥§üÁF¤j°k¤`
Escape From New York	1982	°k¥X¯Ã¬ù
Escape from the Bronx	1983	³Ì«á¤@ºw¦å
Escape to Absolum	1995	¤Ñºô°kÀs
Escape to Victory	1982	³Ó§Q¤j°k¤`
Eve in a Summer Dress	1985	®L¤é¤Ñ¨Ï
Evening Star, The	1997	±`¦b§Ú¤ß¶¡©µÄò½g¢w°Ê¤H©u¸`
Everybody's Fine	1991	¤Ñ­Û¤§®È
Everyone Says I Love You	1997	¬°§A°Û±¡ºq	¤H¤H³£»¡§Ú·R§A
Evil Dead	1983	«ÍÅÜ
Evil Dead II	1987	°­ª±¤H
Evil that Men Do, The	1984	»¶¤â§P®c
Evil under the Sun	1982	¤È¤é©_«Í
Evita	1997	¨©¶©¤Ò¤H	¦ãºû¶ð
Evita Peron	1982	¤k±j¤H
Ewok Adventure, An	1985	¦t©z©_¹J
Ewok and the Maranders of Endor	1986	¬P²y¾úÀI
Excalibur	1981	¸s­^·|
Executive Decision	1996	³Ì°ª¦M¾÷	747µ´¦a®«±N
Exit to Eden	1995	±¡¸t¹Ú¤Ñ°ó
Exorcist III, The	1990	ÅXÅ]¤H²Ä¤T¶°
Exorcist, The 	ÅXÅ]¤H	¤jªk®v
Exotica	1995	©Ê·P­Ñ¼Ö³¡	¦â±¡°s©±
Expert, The	1987	ÅÊ·R±M®a
Explorers	1986	¤p°­ÀY©ºªÅ©_¹J
Exposed	1986	Ãn¥ú
Exterminator, The	1980	¼É¦æ
ExterminatorII	1987	Äè·ÀªÌ
Extreme Measures	1997	¬¡¦º¤HÀÉ®×	«D±`¤â¬q
Extreme Prejudice	1987	¼««ã¾Ô¤h
Extremities	1986	¥H¤úÁÙ¤ú
Eye for an Eye	1996	¥H²´ÁÙ²´	³p»»ªk¥~
Eye for an Eye, An	1981	¥H²´ÁÙ²´
Eye of the Needle	1981	¤M¾W§N
Eyes of a Stranger	1982	¹j¾À¨g¥û
F/X	1986	¦å³sÀô
Fabulous Baker Boys, The	1990	©p¶ùµ¹§Ú§a
Face of Death	1980	¦º¤`¯u­±¥Ø
Face of Death IV	1991	¥½¥@¤j§T¼Æ
Face/Off	1997	¹Ü­±Âù¶¯	ÅÜÁy
Faces of Death	1991	1992	¦º¤`ª½À»¹ê¿ý
Faces of Death 2	1981	¦º¤`¯u­±¥Ø²Ä¤G¶°
Fair Game	1995	¹ï§Ü©Ê¹CÀ¸	¶W³t§Ö·P
Faithful	1996	²§±`§Ö¼Ö·R©d¨Æ¥ó
Fake Out	1983	±þ¥X½ä«°
Falcon and the Snowman, The	1985	ĬÁp¶¡¿Ò
Fall Guy	1984	±¡¸q«B¤ßª¾
Fall of New York	1985	¥¼¨Ó¾Ô¤h¦AÅV¯«³q
Falling Down	1993	«ã¤õ­·¼É	«°¥«­^¶¯
Falling in Love	1985	«H¬O¦³½t
Falling in Love Again	1986	´¿¸g²`·R¹L
Fame	1981	§Ú­n°ª­¸
Family Business	1990	®a±Ú¥Í·N
Fan Fan	1993	ªÚªÚ
Fan, The	1982	¦å¼v¨g°g
Fan, The	1996	¨g°g	¯P¤õ²×µ²ªÌ
Fancy Dance	1995	¤­­Ó¥úÀYªº¤Ö¦~
Fanny and Alexander	1985	ªâ©g»P¨È¾ú¤s¤j
Far and Away	1992	¤j¦a¶¯¤ß	»·Â÷®a¶é
Far Off Place, A	1993	Åå³~¤Q¤é
Fargo	1996	³·ªá°ªÂ÷©_©R®×	¦B¦å¼É
Farinelli	1995	¾y¼vÅ]Án	µ´¥NÆA®V
Fast Times at the Ridgemomt High	1983	ªo¯×©f
Fatal Attraction 	Ä^ÅÊ	­P©Rªº§l¤Þ¤O
Fatal Fury Special	1994	¾j¯T¶Ç»¡
Father and Son	1984	¬X±¡±`¦b§Ú¤ß¶¡
Father of the Bride	1992	©E¾L¥~¤÷	·s©¨¤÷¤j¤H
Father of the Bride 2	1996	©E¾L¥~¤÷Äò¶°	·s©¨¤÷¤j¤H¤§¤T³ßÁ{ªù
Father's Day	1984	¤p¥Í²K¿ù¤B
Father, Son and the Mistress	1994	»õ¸U½a°­
Fear	1983	ÐôÀ\¦º
Feast at Midnight, A	1997	§A·R¯Z©Ð¡A§Ú·R¼p©Ð
Fedora	1980	°g±¡
Feeling Minnesofa	1996	¤£Åùªº·Pı	·R¤W©ú¥§Ä¬¹F
Felling Love	1981	·Rªº«åÀ³
Ferris Bueller's Day	1987	¤µ¤Ñ¤£¬OŪ®Ñ¤Ñ
Few Good Men, A	1993	¸q®ü¶¯­·	­x©x»PÅ]°­
Fierce Creatures	1997	Ãdª«¥û²r	°½ÂûºNª¯
Fifth Defence	1985	¸U­«¤s¯D¦å¾Ô
Fifth Element, THe	1997	²Ä¢´¤¸¯À	²Ä¤­¤¸¯À
Fifth Musketeer, The	1982	¾ú§T¤sªe
Fifth Season, The	1982	²Ä¤­©uªº¤k¤H
Fighting Back	1985	¼É¤Oµó
Fighting Justice	1990	¬yª]¤jª¬
File of Young Kindaichi, The	1997	ª÷¥Ð¤@¤Ö¦~¨Æ¥óÁ¡
Final Analysis 	­P©RÅʤH	»¶¤â¬ü¤H¤ß		
Final Assignment	1984	³Ì«á¥ô°È
Final Mission	1986	±þ¥Xªê«Â¤s
Fine Mess, A	1986	¤@÷iªw
Fire and Ice	1983	¦B¤õ¯«Å]
Fire in the Flesh	1990	¼¤®üÄ^±¡
Fire Walker	1987	¤Ó¶§¯«¤§Ä_
Firebase Gloria	1989	¯P¦å¾Ô³õ
Firebird Conspiracy	1987	¤õ³¾®æ±þ¥O
Fireflies	1989	¦A¨£¼ü¤õÂÎ
Firefox	1983	¤õª°
Firestarter	1984	¤¿¤õ
Firm, The	1993	¿}¦ç³´¨À	¶Â¦â»¨ªù¥ø·~
First Blood	1983	²Ä¤@Âî¦å
First Desire	1990	¤Ö¤k±¡ÃhÁ`¬O¸Ö²Ä¤G¶°
First Desires	1985	»´»´²Ä¤@¦¸
First Knight	1995	¼C«L­·¬y	²Ä¤@ªZ¤h
First Power, The	1990	ÆF¬É¨Ó«È
First Turn On, The	1985	ºÆ¨g²Ä¤@¦¸
First Wives Club, The	1996	¤j±C­Ñ¼Ö³¡	¤j¦Ñ±C­Ñ¼Ö³¡
Fish Called Wanda, A	1989	è°¤k¤j¸é¯«¥P³½
Fisher King, The	1992	¤Ñ²P²_¸¨¨â¤ßª¾
Fitzcarraldo	1986	³°¤W¦æ¦à
Five Days from Home	1985	ÅK¦å¤÷¤l±¡
Flash Gordon	1981	­¸«L­ô¹y
Flashdance	1983	«l»R
Flatliners	1990	ÆF²§ªÅ¶¡
Flesh and Blood	1986	ÅK¦åªZ¤h
Fletch	1986	¥jÆF°»±´
Flight of Black Angel	1992	¹p¾^¶Â¤Ñ¨Ï
Flight of the Intruder	1991	¬ðÀ»¾Ô¤h
Flight of the Navigator	1987	½Ä¥X¦a²y
Flintstones, The	1994	·sÁo©ú²Â§B	¥ÛÀY±Ú¼Ö¶é
Flipper	1996	°Ê·P¤p­¸©ç	­¸Ä_
Flirting with Disaster	1996	Ãä­Ó¦PÊ\¦³¿Ë	¬D³r©Ê¹CÀ¸
Fly Away Home	1997	¦ñ§A°ª­¸	ªð®a¤Q¸U¨½
Fly Boys, Fly	1997	·R»P¹Ú­¸¦æ
Fly II, The	1989	Å]¸º
Fly, The	1986	ÅܧΤHÅ]	ÅÜÃǤH
Flying High	1980	³{¥û¤Æ¦Nº¡¤Ñ­¸
Flying High II - The Sequel	1983	º¡¤Ñ­¸
Fog, The	1980	­Þ»î¤£®§
Folks	1992	·R¥Í¨Æ®a®x
Fooling Around	1981	«}¶ù¦í
Footloose	1984	´ý¨­¬O«l
For 2000 Grand	1985	²Â¸é¥´§ó
For Love or Money	1993	¤p¥ÍÅ@ªá
For the Boys	1992	Às»ñÂù¬P
For the Death of a Cop	1984	¶Â¤Ú¾¤
For Those I Love	1984	·³¤ë§§¤sªe
For Your Eyes Only	1981	ÅKª÷­è«i¯}®üÀsÀ°
For Your Love Only	1983	·R¨ì²`³B
Forbidden Love	1985	¸TÅÊ
Forbidden World	1983	©ÇÅé
Forbidden World	1986	¶Ã¥@½t
Force of One, A	1980	ÂI«ü¸é¸é
Foreign Body	1991	§®¤â¿Ë¤@¿Ë
Forever Young	1993	¤Ñ¯î±¡¥¼¤F	¤µ¥Í¦³¬ù
Forrest Gump	1994	ªü¥Ì¥¿¶Ç
Fort Apache, the Bronx	1981	¬õµf°Ï
Fort Saganne	1985	ÂĮڳù
Fortress	1993	¤Ñº»­¸Às	Å]°­ªZ¾¹
Four Friends	1986	¹Ú¿ô±¡¯u
Four Rooms	1996	²ü¨½¬¡¦³¶¡©Ç°s©±	ºÆ¨g²×µ²ªÌ
Four Weddings and a Funeral	1994	4­Ó±B§¤@­Ó¸®Â§	¤µ¥Íªº·s®Q
Fourth Protocol, The	1987	®Ö¾Ô­·¶³
Fourth War, The	1990	¥Õ©]¶¯ÆN
Fox and the Hound, The	1982	¤pª°»PÆN¤Ñ
Frances	1983	¬õ§D§T
Frankie & Johury	1992	²{¥N·R±¡¬G¨Æ	©Ê¡B·R±¡¡Bº~³ù¹¡
Free and Easy	1992	ÃtÏs¥ý¥Í
Free Willy	1994	¤H³½ªºµ£¸Ü	«ÂÄHÂô¤ÑÃö
Freedom Road	1980	¥Í¦º°«
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare	1991	²r°­µó¤jµ²§½
Freejack	1992	¥½¥@°l»î
French Kiss	1995	¤@¤Á±q¥¢Åʶ}©l	±¡©w¤Ú¾¤
French Lieutenant's Woman, The	1982	ªk°ê¤¤±Lªº¤k¤H
French Love	1980	ªk¦¡ÅÊ·R
French Woman, A	1996	¤@¥Íªº·R³£µ¹§A
Freshman, The	1990	»h»i±Ð¤÷
Friday the 13th	1980	¤Q¤T¸¹¬P´Á¤­
Friday the 13th Find Chapter	1984	¤Q¤T¤£²»¤é
Friday the 13th Part II	1981	¦º¨°
Friday the 13th Part III	1983	¤j¤¿¤é
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives	1987	°­§î¸}
Fried Green Tomatoes	1992	¯º­À¦P¦æ	ªo¬µºñµf­X
Friends	1996	¤@°_ªº¨«¹Lªº¤é¤l
Fright Night	1985	¤Ñ®v°«íL«Í
Frighteners, The	1996	¤£¥i«äijªº¤Ä»î¨Æ¥ó	¯«³q°­¤j
From Beyond	1987	¬¡Å]¤H
From Dusk Till Dawn	1996	±þ¥X­Ó¾¤©ú	´c©]°l±þ¥O
From Holly with Love	1980	ÄmÄ_ÂùÎg
From Mao to Mozart	1982	¼ÖÃýÄ}¯É
From the Hip	1989	¦W©Cª¬¤¸
Frozen Assets	1993	Àsºë¥J²r
Fruits of Passion	1989	¤W®ü²§¤H±@À]
Fugitive, The	1993	¤`©R¤Ñ²P	µ´©R°l±þ¥O
Full Circle	1980	´c°­
Funeral, The	1987	¸®Â§
Funhouse	1981	®£§GÅw¼Ö«Î
Funny Boys and Funny Girls	1989	ºu¤k¤é°O
Future Hero, The	1997	ÅRÆE¾Ô¤h
FX2: The Deadly Art of Illusion	1991	¦å³sÀôÄò¶°
G.I. Jane	1997	¦ñ§Ú¶¯¤ß	¶W¯Å¤j¤k§L
Galaxy of Terror	1983	±þ¥X»Èªe¨t
Galipoli	1985	¾Ô¤õ¦M«°
Game for Vultures	1981	¨rÆN´±¦º¶¤
Game of Desire	1991	·R¤õ­«¿U
Gandhi	1983	¥Ì¦a¶Ç
Gangster Wars, The	1981	À°¥D
Garp	1984	ªü¥Ò®Í©R
Gate II	1990	¶}¿ù°­ªùÃöÄò¶°
Gate of Heavenly Peace, The	1997	¤Ñ¦wªù
Gate, The	1987	¶}¿ù°­ªùÃö
Gawin	1994	¤Ñ¤Û±¡¯u
Gazon Maudit	1996	¨â©Ê3¤H²ª
George Miller	1991	Å]°ì¥PÂÜÄò¶°
George of the Jungle	1997	´ËªL¤ý¤l
Get out Your Hankerchiefs	1980	¶ù¼b©d
Get Shorty	1996	Ãö¤H¸G¨Æ	¶Â¹D·í®a
Getaway, The	1994	¨g³¥ÀpÀm	½ä©RÀpÀm
Getting Even with Dad	1994	Ä_¨©¯R¤f¦a
Ghost	1990	¤H°­±¡¥¼¤F	²Ä¤»·P¥Í¦ºÅÊ
Ghost and The Darkness, The	1996	¶Â©]«ÕÆF	·t©]Ây±þ
Ghostbusters	1984	®»°­´±¦º¶¤	Å]°­«g¬P
Ghostbusters II	1989	®»°­´±¦º¶¤Äò¶°
Ghosts of Mississippi	1997	±K¦è¦è¤ñ°­»î
Giant Robo	1993	ÅK¥Ò¤H
Gift, The	1983	ÄÁÂI±¡¤H
Gingko Bed	1996	¹j¥@µ^½t
Girl from Petrovka, The	1980	¶Ì©fÂô±¡Ãö
Girls	1980	«C¬K§T
Girls for Rent	1981	è°¤k¥X¯²
Girls Longing for Love	1980	¬K«ä
Girls who Came to Munich	1980	®öº©«N¼b«½
Give Me a Break	1993	¶W¯Å¬Pª¨
Give Us Daily Sex	1980	¤Ñ¤Ñ©Ê¥Í¬¡
Glass Menagerie, The	1989	¬Á¼þ°Êª«¶é
Glengarry Glen Ross	1993	«ôª÷¤@±Ú
Gloria	1981	ÅK¦å®Q¤lºq²ú¨È
Glory	1990	¥úºa
Gnaw Food of the Gods II	1989	²r¹«­¹¤H·À
Go for It	1984	¦Ñªê·iáÈ
God Morning Vietnam	1989	¦­¦w¶V«n
God Must be Crazy II, The	1989	¤W«Ò¤]ºÆ¨gÄò
Godfather Part III, The	1991	±Ð¤÷²Ä¤T¶°
Gods Must be Crazy, The	1981	¥i·Rªº¶Ì¥Ê
Godzilla Vs King Ghidorah	1992	¾ÔÀs­ô´µ©Ô
Godzilla vs Mothrs	1993	­ô´µ©Ô¤§Às¾Ô¥|®ü
Gold Puzzle, The	1982	ª÷±þ¤â
Golden Child, The	1987	ª÷µ£¤l
Golden Girl	1980	ª÷µP¤k±N
Golden Lady, The	1981	ª÷¤Ò¤H
GoldenEye	1995	·sÅKª÷­è¤§ª÷²´·ú	¶Àª÷²´
Gonnies, The	1985	¤pÆFºë
Good Mother	1989	¿E±¡¦ó»ù
Good Son, The	1994	Ä_¨©¤p·Ù¬P	¦MÀI¤p¤Ñ¨Ï
Good Woman of Bangkok, The	1992	°Ò¨¦­·¤ëÄ_Ų
Good-bye, mama	1992	¯µ±KÅʤH
Goodfellas	1990	µs¥ç¦³¹D	¥|®ü¦n³Ã¥ë
Gorillas in the Mist	1989	ÃúÂê¦M±¡
Gorky Park	1984	¦å°s¬õ³õ
Gotcha	1985	°­°¨è°¥J«N¯S°È
Gothic	1987	»îÂ_¥ò®L©]
Gozilla Vs Destoryan	1996	ºq´µ©Ô¤§¥@¬ö¥²±þ°}
Grand Canyon	1992	¤j®l¨¦¢w«°¥«¤§¥ú
Grease II	1982	ªo¯×Äò¶°
Great Alligator, The	1980	Æs³½ªe¾úÀI°O
Great Mouse Detective, The	1987	¶Ì¦Ñ¹«»P¤j²Âª¯
Great Wall, A	1986	¥_¨Ê¬G¨Æ
Greatest Attack, The	1981	²l¤õ¤H
Green Card	1991	ºñÍü±¡½t	ºñ¥d
Green Ice	1981	¬ï±ô§TºñÄ_
Green Inferno	1989	­¹Âαڱ´¯µ
Gremlins	1985	¤pÅ]©Ç	¤pºëÆF
Gremlins 2: The New Batch	1990	¤pÅ]©ÇÄò¶°
Greystoke	1984	®õ¤s
Grifters, The	1993	¤dºô¦M±¡
Grosse Fatigue	1995	²Ö±o­n©R	·¥«×¯h³Ò
Groundhog Day	1993	°½¤Ñ±¡½t	¤µ¤Ñ¼È®É°±¤î
Growing Up	1980	­ô·ö©f§ó·ö
Guardian	1990	Å]°­½È©i
Guilty as Sin	1994	Åå¤ß»¤´b
Guilty by Suspicion	1992	¤È©]­·¼É
Gulag	1985	ÅK¹õ§Ö¨®
Gunbus	1990	­¸¾÷¤]ºÆ¨g
Gundam 0083	1992	¾÷°Ê¾Ô¤h°ª¹F0083
Gung Ho	1986	¥´¤u¦nº~
Hachi -- Ko	1991	¤K¤d¤½ª«»y
Hackers	1995	©¿µM¹Üºô	¤J«Iºôµ¸
Hakujitmitsu	1989	°½¸Õ¶³«B±¡
Half Moon Street	1987	¥b¤ëµó
Hall of Easter, A	1987	«C¬Kªº±µÄ²
Hallowen III - Season of the Witch	1985	°­¸`
Hamburger	1986	º~³ù¹¡
Hamburger Hill	1987	¦å¦×¾Ô³õ
Hamlet	1991	¨gÀs­À¤Ñ
Hand that Rocks The Cradle, The	1992	·nÄxÅå»î	±À°Ê·nÄxªº¤â
Hand, The	1983	´£¨¾°­¤l
Handful of Dust, A	1990	Ä^Åʬõ§ö
Handful of Time, A	1991	¹j¥@¬Û«ä
Handmaids Tale, The	1990	¥½¥@¬öªº¤k¤H
Hangar 18	1981	¾÷±K¤Q¤K
Hanky Pinky	1982	ªü¨û¥ÏÃø
Hannah and Her Sisters	1986	©n©f±¡²`
Hard Target	1993	²×·¥¼Ð¹v
Hard to Hold	1984	«lºqª÷¦±
Hard to Kill	1990	ÅK¦å²rÀs
Hard Way, The	1991	¤p¥Í·í®t
Hardware	1991	ÅK¥Ò¤HÅ]
Hardy Working	1980	¥´¤u¥J
Harlem Nights	1990	«¢ªL¤d¤ý
Harlequin	1982	Å]ªk
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man	1991	ÅKº~¨g©b
Harmagedon	1990	¤ÛÅ]¤j¾Ô
Harriet the Spy	1997	¤p¤p¤p¶¡¿Ò
Harry and His Gensha Girls	1986	²×¶·¦³¤éÀs¬ï»ñ
Hate and Love	1982	°ê»Ú»R¨k
Haunted Honeymoon	1987	¼M°­´ç»e¤ë
Haunted, The	1996	¤µ©]§A·|¤£·|¨Ó
Havana	1991	±¡°g®LÆW®³	«¢¥Ë¨º
Having It All	1985	¨Î¤H¦³Ãø
Hawaiian Breeze	1994	®ãªù¤å·s¦P©~®É¥N
Hawk the Slayer	1984	¥ñÅ]¹p¯«¼C
Hazard of Hearts, A	1989	¤s²ø©_½t
He no Jiguchi	1991	´­¬Ü¤k¤l
Heart Beat	1984	³ê­·ªÌ
Heart in Winter, A	1993	¤µ¥Í±¡¥¼¤F
Heart of Darkness	1992	¬P¥ú­I«á¢w­ô´¶©Ô¶Ç©_
Heartbreak Ridge	1987	¾Ô¤õ¶³¾]
Heartburn	1986	±¡¤w³u
Heat	1996	µs¤õ½u	¯P¤õ®«±N
Heaven & Earth	1994	¤Ñ»P¦a	¤Ñ¦a
Heaven and Earth	1992	¤Ñ»P¦a
Heaven Station	1986	¤Ñ°ê¨®¯¸
Heavenly Bodies	1985	Às­¸»ñ»R
Heavenly Creatures	1995	¸oÄ^¤Ñ¨Ï
Heavenly Kid, The	1986	°I°­¤É¤Ñ
Heavy Metal	1982	¦t©z¯«©Ç¿ý
Heidi's Song	1983	¤p®ü­}
Hell Camp	1987	½Ä¥XÅ]°­Àç
Hell Night	1984	½Ä¥X²r°­«°
Hell of the Living Dead	1983	¥Í¤H¬¡­¹
Hell on Earth: Hellraiser III	1992	²r°­°l»îIII¦aº»¤§«°
Hell's Angels	1980	¶Ì©f«i¾à¤j¦Ñ¤d
Hellbound: Hellraiser II	1989	Å]¬É°l»î
Hellraiser	1987	²r°­°l»î
Henry & June	1990	±¡°g¤»¤ëªá
Henry V	1990	¾Ô¯«¦ë§Q¤­¥@
Her Alibi	1989	Âꤣ¦íªºÅ屡
Herbie Goes Bananas	1982	°­°¨¤p°½¯«¥P¨®
Hercules	1984	ªZ¤h±OÀs
Hercules	1997	¤j¤O¤h	¤j¤O¤h
Hero Interview	1995	¬PªÅ¤UªºÅʱ¡
Hi Spirit	1982	°I°­­É¬n
Hidden, The	1989	ÅܧξԤh
High Heels	1992	±¡°g°ª¿þ¾c	°ª¸ò¾c
High Ice	1981	¦B®p·m±Ï¶¤
High Point	1982	³Ì°ª±K¥O
High Road to China	1983	ªF¹C°O
High School Memories	1981	©Q©]¤S¾P»î
High School Teacher, A	1995	°ª®Õ±Ð®v
High Spirit	1989	«ÕÆF¤@±Ú
Highlander	1986	¬D¾ÔªÌ	®ÉªÅ­^»¨
Highlander II: The Quickening	1991	¬D¾ÔªÌÄò¶°¤Ñ¹õ¤§¾Ô
Highlanders 3: The Scorer	1995	¬D¾ÔªÌ²Ä¤T¶°
Highteen Boogie	1983	­¸¨®ºq»R¤T¤H²Õ
Highway to Hell	1992	½Ä¥XÅ]°­«°
Hills Have Eyes II, The	1985	±þ¤H­ø¯w²´
Hitcher, The	1986	Å]°­¥q¥O
Hocus Pocus	1993	3°¦¶}¤ß°­
Hold Up	1986	ÅKÁx©_§L
Home Alone	1991	Ä_¨©´¼¦h¬P	¤p°­·í®a
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York	1992	Ä_¨©´¼¦h¬PÄò¶°
Home for the Holidays	1996	­Þ®a¤@±Ú
Homeward Bound	1993	¿ßª¯¤]ºÆ¨g
Honey	1981	¤p¼Ó×u¤p¼b
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid	1993	¨§°v¤pÆFºëII	BB¤j®Í
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids	1989	¨§°v¤pÆFºë
Honeymoon in Vegas	1993	½ä«°»e¤ë
Honky Tonk Freeway	1981	­¸¶H¹Lªe
Honorary Consul, The	1984	¦WÅA»â¨Æ
Hook	1992	ÅK¶v²îªø	ªê§J²îªø
Hopscotch	1980	¾ô¤ý¤§¤ý
Hostage Tower, The	1981	¤Ú¾¤ÅK¶ð¸j¬[
Hot Blood	1986	¹p¾^±þ¤â
Hot Bubblegum	1981	ÅÛ´b¥J©ñ´»°²
Hot Chili	1987	¥Ï÷³B¨k
Hot Dog the Mevie	1984	¼öª¯
Hot Fantasies	1984	¼ö¹Ú
Hot Shot! 2	1993	¤Ï¤æ¯«ÆNÄò¶°
Hot Shots!	1991	¤Ï¤æ¯«ÆN	¾÷­¸Á`°Ê­û
Hot Target	1986	¥~¹J
Hottest Show in Town, The	1981	»r¤kÂø§Þ¹Î
House	1986	©]¥b°­ºVªù
House by the Cemetery, The	1987	©]¥b°­°l¤H
House of The Spirits, The	1994	²Ä¤»·P¤§ÅÊ	ª÷¦â»¨ªù
House on Fire	1986	¤õ¦v¤§¤H
Houseman on The Roof, The	1996	·R¦b¤Ñ¦a»a¯í®É
Housesitter	1992	Ãú¤ô¤V¤Ò
How Enjoy Being an Intelligence Cuckold	1987	­·¬y¬K¤ßÂà
How to Lose Your Wife and Find a Mistress	1980	Åw³ß­Þ®a°¾»EÀY
How to Make an American Quilt	1996	½s´ÅÊ·R¹Ú	ÅÊ·R½s´¹Ú
Howard ... A New Breed of Hero	1986	¤Ñ­°ºÖ¬P
Howards End	1993	¦¹±¡¥i°Ý¤Ñ
Hudson Hawk 		°½¤Ñ¯«°½	²×·¥¯«ÆN		
Hudson Kawks	1991	ªêÁx¯«°½
Hudsucker Proxy, The	1994	¼v¤l¤j¦ë
Human Experiments	1980	´Ý»Åªº¸ÕÅç
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The	1996	ÄÁ¼Ó¾m«L	ÄÁ¼Ó©Ç¤H
Hunger, The	1983	¦åÅ]
Hunt for Red October, The	1990	°lÀ»¨ª¦â¤Q¤ë	Ây±þ¬õ¦â¤Q¤ë
Hunted, The	1995	¶Â¦â°l±þ¥O
Hunter, The	1981	Ây³ÀªÌ
Hunters of the Golden Cobra, The	1982	ª÷³D©_§L
Hunters of the Lost Empire	1990	°g«°ºÖ±N
Husbands and Loves	1993	²Ä¤T«×°g±¡
Husbands and Wives	1992	¤V¤Ò¡B¤Ó¤Ó»P±¡¤H	¤Ò»P©d
I Am Curious about Sex	1981	©Êªº¦n©_
I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle	1991	¨â­ÓñF³v­Ó®»
I for Icarus	1980	¶Â¤Ó¶§
I Love Trouble	1994	§Ú·R³Â·Ð
I Was a Teenage Vampire	1987	·s²ÏíL«Í°l¤k¥J
I'm for the Hippopotamus	1980	¦Ñªê¸õÀð
I's Shy Nobody's Perfect	1980	¤p¥Í©È²Û
I, the Jury	1982	»¶¤â«æ¥ý¾W
I. Q.	1995	I.	Q.±¡½t
I. Q. Zero	1981	¢×¢ß¹s³J
I. Q. Zero on Vacation	1982	¢×¢ß¤S¹s³J
Ice Pirates, The	1984	¤ÓªÅ²Â¸é
Iceman	1984	¦B¤H¥|¸U¦~
Il Postino	1996	¨Æ¥ý±i´­ªº¨D·R¨Æ¥ó	¶l®t
Immediate Family	1990	¿Ë¿Ë¤@®a¿Ë
Immoral, The	1980	À³¥l©_ÃÓ
Immortal Beloved	1995	¤£¦´¯u±¡	¥Ã»·ªº·R¤H
Impromptu	1991	§Ú·R¿½¨¹
Impulse	1990	ªáµó­¸»ñ
In Bed with Madonna	1991	»P³Á·í®R¦P§É
In Love and War	1997	Â÷¶}¥H«á	¥Ã»··R§A
In the Cold of the Night	1990	ÆAÅ屡
In the Line of Fire	1993	¤õ½uª®À»	¤õ½u¤j¦æ°Ê
In the Mouth of Madness	1995	§¹¥þ²r°­¤â¥U
In the Name of the Father	1994	¦]¤÷¤§¦W	¥H¤÷¤§¦W
In the Realm of the Senses	1990	·P©x¥@¬É
In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro	1987	¦å¤öÃä½t
Incredible Sarah, The	1982	²ï©Ôªº¤@¥Í
Indecent Exposure	1990	ªê¤kªºÄÈ´÷
Indecent Proposal	1993	¤£¹D¼wªº¥æ©ö	®ç¦â¥æ©ö
Independence Day	1996	¤Ñ·Ù¢w¦a²y¤ÏÀ»¾Ô	ID4	¬P»Ú²×µ²ªÌ
Indiana Joes & The Last Crusade	1989	¸t¾Ô©_§L
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom	1984	Å]°ì©_§L	Å]®c¶Ç©_
Indochine	1993	±¡ÃÒ¤µ¥Í	¦L«×¤ä¨º
Inferno	1980	¤¿«Î²r°­
Inferno	1982	½ü°j§T
Inhibition	1981	¤p±b±¾»´¯½
Initation of Love	1981	©Ê°\¶}ºÝ
Inner Circle, The	1992	«D¤H·³¤ë
Innerspace 		¹s«×ªÅ¶¡	Å岧©_¯è		
Innocent Blood	1993	¤£¦ºªº¶Ç»¡
Innocent Lies	1996	¸TÅÊ
Innocent Man, An	1990	¶Âº»­·¶³
Innocent, The	1994	±¡°g¦åº¿²ú
Insemnoid	1981	¦t©z©ÇÀ¦
Inside Moves	1981	¯u¥¿ªB¤Í
Instibable	1981	ªï¬K©]¦Xªá
Internal Affairs	1990	IAÀÉ®×
International Prostitution	1981	¦â¼¤©_©Û
Intersection	1994	¿E±¡¥æ¤eÂI	­P©R¥æ¤eÂI
Interview with the Vampire	1994	§l¦å°g±¡	©]³X§l¦å°­
Into the Night	1985	©_±¡¤µ±ß©]
Invaders From Mars	1986	¤õ¬P¤j±µÄ²
Invasion USA	1986	«I²¤USA
Irezumi	1985	³·¦Ù¤§¤k
Irma Vep	1997	¤k­¸¸é¦A²{¦¿´ò
Iron & Silk	1991	ÅK»Pµ·
Iron Eagle	1986	ÅKÆN¾Ô¤h
Iron Eagle II	1989	ÅKÁl¶¯¤ß
Island of Dr. Moreau	1996	¤HÅ]®q	ÄdºI¤HÅ]®q
Island, The	1980	±þ¤H®q
It Could Happen to You	1995	¶É«°¨Î¸Ü
It's a Funny, Funny, Funny People	1981	§®½ì¤H¥Í
It's Not Me, It's Him	1980	¤p¥Í¼²ªO
Jack	1996	¶W¯Å´¡¯Z¥Í	®a¦³³Ç§J
Jacob's Ladder	1991	²§¥@¯B¥Í
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy	1983	¦Wªù²Q¤k
Jade	1995	¥É¿V	®ç¦â³´¨À
Jagged Edge	1986	¦åºôÃä½t
Jailhouse Girls	1986	ª÷»ñ½Ä¥XªêÀYªù
Jake Speed	1987	Å]°ì¤§®È
Jamon Jamon	1995	¦@©d¦@¤Ò
Jane Eyre	1996	²·R	²·R
Jasw 3-D	1983	¥ßÅé¤j¥ÕÃT
Jaws: The Revenge	1987	¤j¥ÕÃT¤j³ø´_
Jazz Singer, The	1981	Àï¤h¥¨¬P
Jefferson in Paris	1995	¤£Åùªº¤Ú¾¤
Jennifier 8	1993	¬Ã©gªá¥û±þ®×
Jerk, The	1985	¶}¤ß¤j¤Ö
Jerry Maguire	1997	²¢¤ß¥ý¥Í	©ºªA±¡®ü
Jesuit Joe	1992	¯ª¨àªºªk¬ö
Jesus of Nazareth	1980	¸U¥@±Ï¥D
Jeux of Artifces	1991	¹CÀ¸¤H¶¡
Jewel of the Nile, The	1986	¥§Ã¹ªe¤§Ä_
JFK	1992	Åå¤Ñ¤j¨ë±þ	½Ö±þ¤F¥Ì¤D­}
Jingle All the Way	1996	¸t½Ï¦Ñ¨§	¤@¸ôÅT¥m¾´
Joe Versus the Volcano	1990	Å]®q¥PÂÜ	¸õ¤õ¤sªº¤H
Johnny Deangerously	1985	Ä_¨©ºÖ¬P
Johnny Handsome	1990	¥É­±·Ù¬P
Johnny Mnemonic	1995	«D±`¥ô°È	®Â½Ã¾÷±K
Johnny Suede	1993	ÂÂÅw¦p¹Ú
Johnsons, The	1993	¯Á©R³±ÆF
Joker's On You, The	1981	¥]¼²ªO
Joshua Tree	1995	°¦¤âÅF¤Ñ
Journey of Hope	1993	§Æ±æ¤§®È
Journey of Tears, The	1989	ªáÃâ²\
Joy & Joan	1990	¯ª¨àªº»¤´bÄò¶°
Joy	1989	¯ª¨àªº»¤´b
Joy Luck Club, The	1993	³ßºÖ·|
Joyride	1980	«C¬K±jµs
Jude	1997	µ´ÅÊ
Judge Dredd	1995	¯Sĵ§P©x	¶W®ÉªÅ¾Ôĵ
Julia Has Two Lovers	1994	¯ü²ú¨Èªº·Ð´o
Jumanji	1996	°k¥XÅ]¤Û¬ö	³¥ÆZ¹CÀ¸
Jumpin Jack Flash	1987	¦åºôÅå»î
Jungle Book, The	1994	¤p®õ¤s
Jungle Book, The	1995	´ËªL¤§¤ý	´ËªL¤ý¤l
Jungle Warriors	1984	Å]°ì¬ðÀ»¶¤
Jungle2Jungle	1997	ªü¥J¥X¤s	³¥ÆZ«°¥«
Junior	1995	«ÂÀs¤G¥@	Å]°­¤G¥@
Junk Boy	1989	·s±J¤p¨k¤H
Junk Boys II	1994	·s±J¤p¨k¤H2
Junkman	1982	¯S§Þ­¸¨®¤H
Jurassic Park	1992	¨Üù¬ö¤½¶é
Juror, The	1996	¶Â¦â¥æ©ö	¦MÀI¾÷±K
Just Between Friends	1989	½t¦ó¦@»E
Just One of the Guys	1985	¨k®Õ¤k¥Í
Just You and Me, Kid	1982	¥j´b¤k
Justime	1981	¬°©Ê·ö°g
K-9	1989	§®±´ª¯ºÖ¬P
Kafka	1994	Â_»î¥¬©Ô®æ
Kalifornia	1994	¦P³~ù©R¤H
Kampuchea Express	1985	°½´ç¬õ¼é
Kampuchea, The Untold Story	1987	¬Z®H¹ë¾Ô¤õ
Kansas City	1996	ªÖÂÄ´µªº³Ì«á¤@©]	§¢ÂÄ´µ±¡¤³
Karate Kid III, The	1989	Às«Â¤p¤l²Ä¤T¶°
Kazaam	1996	¹Ú¤Û´ífit¤H	ºëÆF¤]ºÆ¨g
Keep Your Hands Off My Daughter	1990	¨Ä¤kÂꤣ¦í
Keep, The	1984	¤ÑÅ]§T
KGB - The Secret War	1985	«q°êªÌ
Kickboxer	1990	·iÀ»¤§¤ý
Kickboxer 2	1992	·iÀ»¤§¤ýÄò¶°
Kidnapping of the President	1981	Á`²Î¤j¸j¬[
Kids	1996	¥b¼ô¤Ö¦~
Kika	1994	¿º¤kKika
Kiki's Delivery Service	1990	Å]¤k¦v«æ«K
Kill Denny Travis	1981	¹G¾E
Killing Fields, The	1985	¾Ô¤õ±O«°
Killing Machine	1986	±þ¤H¾÷¾¹
Killing of America	1982	±þ¤H¹ê¿ý
Killing Zoe	1996	¤`©R¤§®{
Kindergarten Cop	1991	¥®¸X¶é¯Sĵ	Å]°­«Ä¤l¤ý
Kindred, The	1987	¸ÕºÞ¤HÅ]
King David	1986	¶¯ÅQ¤Ñ¤U
King Kong Lives	1987	ª÷­èÄò¶°
King of Comedy	1985	³ß¼@¤§¤ý
King of New York, The	1991	¶Â¹D¬Ó«Ò
King of Square King	1980	¥@¬É¦Û¥Ñ·iÀ»¤jÁÉ
King Ralph	1991	¬Ó«Ò¤]ºÆ¨g
King Soloman's Mines	1986	©Òùªù¤ýÄ_×u
Kiss Me Goodbye	1983	­Þ°­¦A¨£
Kiss of Death	1995	­P©R§G§½
Kiss of Dying, A	1991	Ä^§k
Kiss of the Spider Woman	1986	»jµï¤k¤§§k
Kiss, The	1989	¼b­ú¤§§k
Kiss: Attack of the Phantom	1980	­»§k¾Ô¤h
Knock on Wopod	1982	¤@¥@°÷¹B
Koyla	1997	µ¹§Ú¤@­Óª¨	¹C¤l
Kramer Vs Kramer	1980	§JÂź¿¹ï§JÂź¿	§J©Ôº¿¹ï§J©Ôº¿
Krull	1983	¹q¥ú­¸Ãð«L
L'Addiction	1986	¦å¤Ñ¨c
L'Appartment	1997	«D±`¤½´J
L.A. Story	1991	L.A.¬G¨Æ
La Bamba	1987	ºq¤â¥¿¶Ç
La Boum	1981	¢×¢ß¥b¼ô®É
La Boum 2	1984	«C¬KªººÃ´b
La Ceremonie	1996	§N»Å²½¨å
La Dame Aux Camelias	1983	·s¯ùªá¤k
La Haine	1996	«ã¤õ«C¬K
La Traviata	1986	¯ùªá¤k
La Venexiana	1990	©]°½±¡
Labyrinth	1986	Å]¤Û°g®c
Lady Beware	1989	¹jÀ𪺻¤´b
Lady Chatterley's Lover	1982	¬d®õ¨Ó¤Ò¤Hªº±¡¤H
Lady in Red, The	1980	©ã¹ë¤Ò¤H
Ladyhawke	1985	ÆN¯T¶Ç©_
Lair of the White Worm, The	1989	³D§¯
Lake Conserquence	1993	¬õ§ö¿s±¡
Land Before Time, The	1989	¤p¸}ªO¨«¤Ñ²P
Laputa	1987	¤ÑªÅ¤§«°
Las Edades de Lulu	1991	íiíiªº°g´b
Lassiter	1984	±s­ã¯«°½
Last Action Hero	1993	¤Û¼v­^¶¯	³Ì«áÅ]°­­^¶¯
Last Boy Scout, The	1991	³Ì«á¾Ô¤h	²×·¥¦y§L
Last Cannibal World	1980	­¹¤H±Ú´Ý»Å¥@¬É
Last Chase, The	1981	¹p®g­¸¨®¤j°lÀ»
Last Emperor, The 		¥½¥N¬Ó«ÒÁ¡»ö	¥½¥N¬Ó«Ò		
Last Exit to Brooklyn	1990	¼¤Ä^¥¬§JªL
Last Flight of Noah's Ark	1982	¤j¤H²Ó¸ô¾úÀI°O
Last Harem, The	1982	¯»ÂL¤T¤d
Last Man Standing	1996	¤£±Ñ±ú¶¯	²×·¥®«±N
Last Married Couple in America, The	1981	¶ù¿ù¤V¤Ò°ù¿ù©d
Last Night of Christmas	1982	¤Ñ²P¸X¤l¤ß
Last of The Mohicans, The	1993	³Ì«áªº¼¯®Ú¾Ô¤h
Last Seduction, The	1995	³Ì«áªº»¤´b
Last Sharks, The	1981	¤j¥ÕÃT81
Last Starfighter	1984	¬P²y¾Ô¤h
Last Tango in Paris	1980	¤Ú¾¤³Ì«á±´¤à
Last Waltz, The	1980	³Ì«áµØº¸¯÷
Laura Moore	1980	¤Ö¤k±¡Ãh¬°§g¶}
Lawmower Man 2	1996	²§«×ªÅ¶¡Äò¶°	¥¼¨Ó²×µ²ªÌ¤G
LawnmowerMan, The	1992	²§«×ªÅ¶¡
Le Cabier Vole	1994	ÅÊ·R¤T­±Åé
Le Confessional	1996	§Ú¬°¥S¨g
Le Derobade	1980	¬õ¿O°Ï·j¯µ
Le Double Vie de Veronique	1992	¨â¥Íªá
League of Their Own, A	1992	ź¶§·³¤ë	¬õÏýÁp·ù
Leather Face -- Texas Chainsaw Massacre III	1990	°­­±¤HÅ]
Leave the Girl Alone	1987	«_ÀI¼Ö¶é
Leaving Las Vegas	1996	¨â¹Ùµ´±æªº¤ß	»·Â÷½ä«°
Legal Eagies	1986	ªkºô¯«ÆN
Legend	1985	¸Þ¯µ©Ç½Í
Legend of Eight Samural	1984	¨½¨£¤K§§¤h
Legend of the Over -- Fiend II	1992	¶W¯«¶Ç»¡II¨g¤ý´_¤³
Legend of the Over-Fiend	1989	¶W¯«¶Ç»¡
Legends of the Fall	1995	¿U±¡·³¤ë	¯u·R¤@¥@±¡
Leon: The Professional	1995	³o­Ó±þ¤â¤£¤Ó§N	²×·¥°l±þ¥O
Les Amants Du Pont-Neuf	1993	·s¾ô¤§ÅÊ	·s¾ôÅʤH
Les Chinois a Paris	1991	°²¦p³o¬O¯uªº
Les Miserables	1983	©t¬P²\
Les Miserables	1996	©t¬P²\	´dºG¥@¬É
Les Nuits Fauves	1995	¨g³¥ªº·R
Les Visiteurs	1996	¥¢ÅåµL¯«¥~¨Ó¤H
Let it Ride	1989	¹B°]µ£¤l
Let's Get Harry	1987	¬ðŧ¦å´ËªL
Lethal Weapon	1987	ÅF¤Ñ¬¶	­P©RªZ¾¹
Lethal Weapon 3	1992	ÅF¤Ñ¬¶²Ä¤T¶°
Lethal Weapon II	1989	ÅF¤Ñ¬¶Äò¶°
Leviathan	1989	¯P¦å®ü©³«°
Liar, Liar	1997	¤j¸Ü¤ý	¤ýµP¤jÄF¤l
Licence to Kill	1989	ÅKª÷­è«i¾Ô±þ¤H¨gÅ]
Lies	1984	­¸¶V®£§G«°
Life is Beautiful	1981	¾a®`
Life of Don Matsusone, The	1986	¤pª¯¨È¥{
Lifeforce	1985	¦t©z¤ÑÅ]
Lift, The	1984	®£§G¹q±è
Light Horsemen	1989	ÅKÃM¶¯®v
Lightblast	1986	ÅKª÷­è«i¹Ü®Ö¤l¯¥
Like Water for Chocolate	1993	¿@±¡¦¶¥j¤O	¥©§J¤O±¡¤H
Link, The	1987	µUÅ]µM
Lion in the Desert	1981	¨Fºz¶¯®v
Lion King, The	1994	·à¤l¤ý
Lionheart	1991	ÅK®±µL¼Ä
Lisa	1997	·R¦b¥Í©R²×µ²®É
Little Adventures	1980	¤Ö¦~¹C
Little Buddha	1994	¤p¬¡¦ò
Little Darlings	1981	¦­¼ô¦~µØ
Little Lips	1981	Âú¦ÐÄÆ­»
Little Lord Fauntheroy	1981	¤pÀï·Ý
Little Man Tale	1992	ÀA¸µ£¦~
Little Mermaid, The	1990	¤p³½¥P
Little Odessa	1996	±þ¤â«è¦±
Little Prince, The	1980	¤p¤ý¤l
Little Romance, A	1980	¤p¤pù°Ò¥v
Little Shop of Horrors	1987	ºñÅ]¥ý¥Í
Little Thief, The	1990	¤p¤k¸é
Little Woman	1995	¤p°ü¤H
Living Daylights, The	1987	ÅKª÷­è¤j¾Ô¯S°È­¸Às
Living Dead at Manchester Morgue	1983	´cÅ]¼X³õ
Loaded Weapon 1	1993	¨®¤Ñ¬¶	­«¸ËªZ¾¹
Locai Hero	1986	¤pÂí­·ªi
Lock Up	1989	¯}õ«ÂÀs
Lonely Lady, The	1984	Âꤣ¦íªº»¤´b
Long Kiss Goodnight	1997	¯S¤u¨gªá	¹Ü©RÁ`°Ê­û
Long Way Home, A	1983	¸U¤ô¤d¤s
Longtime Companion	1990	·R¤§¦ñ«Q
Look at Me	1992	»R¥X±m­i
Look Who's Talking	1990	­¸¶Vµ£¯u	¬Ý½Ö¦b»¡¸Ü
Look Who's Talking Now!	1994	­¸¶Vµ£¯u²Ä¤T¶°
Look Who's Talking Too	1991	­¸¶Vµ£¯uÄò¶°
Looker, The	1982	¶Ê²´
Loophole	1981	¤jÃz§T
Loose Screws	1986	Miss	¥¿¤æ
Lord of Discipline, The	1984	¹ç¦º¤£©}
Lord of the Dead	1982	°­øu½u
Lord of the Flies	1990	µ£¦~µL®¬
Lorenzo's Oil 		¦A¥Í¤§®È	ù­Û¦õªºªo		
Losing Isaiah	1995	¨ª¤l±¡²`
Lost and Found	1980	°«®ð«N­Þ®a
Lost Highway	1997	§¯©]·WÂÜ
Lost in the Wilderness	1987	¦B®pª«»y
Lost World, The	1997	°g¥¢¥@¬É¢w¨Üù¬ö¤½¶é	¨Üù¬ö¤½¶é2¢w¢w¥¢¸¨ªº¥@¬É
Love & Passion	1989	¬Ã©gªáªº¼¤±æ
Love and Human Remains	1995	²{¥N­·¤ëÄ_Ų
Love and Other Catastrophes	1997	·R±¡ª¦ÂÎÃþ
Love Bug	1984	ª÷»aÃÇ
Love Camp	1981	¬Kº¡©Ê·RÀç
Love Couples	1984	¥b±À¥b´N
Love is Only a Word	1980	·s²¦·~¥Í
Love Letter	1989	¤£©_ªº±¡®Ñ
Love Letter	1996	±¡®Ñ	±¡®Ñ
Love Rites	1990	¼¤²½
Love Ritual	1990	§Å¤s¶³«B±¡
Love Song	1993	¨gÅʤ§ºq
Love the Great Unknown	1981	©ÊÁ¿®y
Love Wolf Mequade	1984	²r¯T
Love, the Magician	1989	ô­ãe¤@¥Í
Lover and Fear	1989	ªÚ¤ß¶Ã¼Y
Lover's Lost	1985	°g±¡
Lover, The	1992	±¡¤H
Lovesick	1984	·R¨ìµo¿N
Loving Couples	1981	¨â¹ïÀpÀm¤K±ø¤ß
M. Butterfly	1993	½¹½º§g
Mad Dog and Glory	1993	¼È­Éªº±¡¤H
Mad Max	1980	ÅRÆE¯«±´«ã±½­¸¨®
Mad Max 2	1982	¶}¸ô¥ý¾W	½Ä¾W°l»î¤â
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdone	1985	¥½¤é¾Ô¤h«i¯}¹p¹q³ù
Mad Monkey, The	1990	Ä^¤k
Madadayo	1993	¸Í¸Í¤i¶§±¡
Madame Claude II	1981	¿Ë»eªº®É¨è
Madame Sousatzka	1989	Ĭ²ï¹Å¤Ò¤H
Made in America	1993	ºë¤l©_½t
Made in Heaven	1989	¤Ñ¤W¤H¶¡
Madhouse	1990	©Ç«ÈÁ{ªù
Magdalene	1990	«q¥@±¡ªá
Magma Taishi	1993	ª÷¹F
Magnificent Robin Hood, The	1980	¯««iù»«º~
Mahogany	1980	ÀO»n¦Ð¦ç¦±
Maid, The	1991	¬ï³ò¸Èªº¨k¤H
Main Event, The	1980	®±¤p¤l¤k±j¤H
Major League	1990	µL¼ÄªiÅQ
Makaitoshi	1990	Å]¬É³£¥«
Make Up	1987	¯Ú¯×ÃÐ
Making Contacty	1987	¤Û®ü¥ûÆF
Making Love	1983	·R¤H
Makioka Sisters	1985	²Ó³·
Malice	1994	®ü¨¤¦M±¡	Åé¼öÃä½t
Man & a Woman: The Romance Continues, A	1987	¨kÅw¤k·R¥¼¤F½t
Man for Sale	1982	¤k¥J°l¨k¥J
Man from Snowy River, The	1983	­À°©
Man Hunter	1989	Ä^¼¤±þ¤H©]
Man in Love, A	1989	ù°¨§OÅÊ
Man Who Fell to Earth, The	1982	¤Ñ­°°]¯«
Man who Saw Tomorrow, The	1987	Åå¥@±Ò¥Ü¿ý
Man Who Stolen the Sun, The	1981	µs¤éªÌ
Man with One Red Shoe, The	1986	»Ûªê¨gÀs
Man with the Deadly Lens, The	1982	¶¡¿Ñ©_§L
Man with Two Brains, The	1985	´«¸£©Ç³Ç
Man without a Face, The	1995	¨SÁyªº·³¤ë	¯u·R
Manhattan Murder Mystery	1993	°Ò§J¹y¯«¯µ¿Ñ±þ®×
Maniac Cop 2	1991	°­­±¤½¹²
Manika, Manika, the Girl who Live Twice	1990	µ£©d
Mannequin on the Move	1991	¬ï±ô¹Ú¬ü¤HÄò¶°
Map of the Human Heart	1993	·¥¦a±¡¤Ñ
Mar for Sale, A	1980	©Êªº¿s¬Ý
Marginal, The	1985	ªá³£±OÀs
Maria's Lovers	1985	º¿²ú¨Èªº±¡¤H
Marie	1986	®¤Ãø±q©R
Marked for Death	1990	¹Ü©R°\¤lÁx
Married to the Mob	1989	¶ù¤J¶ÂÀ°
Mars Attack!	1997	¤õ¬P¤Hª±Âà¦a²y	¬P¾Ô·´·ÀªÌ
Marvin's Room	1997	¤@¤Á±q¤ß¶}©l
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein	1995	¬ì¾Ç©Ç¤H¤§¦A¥Í±¡¨g
Mask	1986	­±¨ã
Mask, The	1994	Åܬ۩ÇØ[	¼¯µn¤j¸t
Masters of the Universe	1987	¦t©z¤Ñ¤ý
Mata Hart	1986	¾Ô¦a·àÄ]
Matagi, The Old Bear Hunter	1987	Âyºµª«»y
Matter of Love, A	1980	¼¤¤õÃø¸T
Maurice	1990	±¡Ãø¸T
Mausolem	1983	ÅܧΤHÅ]
Maverick	1994	½ä«L°¨µØ¤O	¶W¯Å¤ýµP
Max Dugan Returns	1983	»¨«È¥úÁ{
Maximum Risk	1997	µwÂô100%¦MÀI	·¥«×«_ÀI
Me & Him	1989	°I°­Ä_¨©
Mean Seasons	1986	¦å¸{­·¼É
Medicine Man	1992	­¸¶VºñªL	¿U¿Nªº¤Ñ°ó
Meeting Venus	1992	ÁÛ°mºû¤]¯Ç
Megaforce	1985	¥¼¨Ó¥ý¾W
Mellow Ripeness	1990	¸T©]¹jÀðªá
Melody of Passion	1992	¼¤ÆA°g±¡
Memoirs of an Invisible Man	1992	Áô§Î©Ç³Ç
Men Don't Leave	1990	½Ö¦ñ¦¹¥Í
Men in Black	1997	¶Â¶W¯Sĵ²Õ	MIB¬P»Ú¾Ôĵ
Men Men Men	1995	¥|­ÓÅù°òªº¨k¤H
Mephis Belle	1991	ÆNÀ»ªø¤Ñ
Mermaida	1991	®öº©«N¨Î¤H
Merry Christman, Mr. Lawrence	1984	¾Ô³õ¤Wªº§Ö¼Ö¸t½Ï	«R¸¸
Meteor	1980	¦a²y¯E§T
Metro	1997	ÅF¤Ñ§®±´	¶W¯Åĵ±´
Metropoles	1987	¤j³£·|
Metropolitan	1992	¤p¶Q±Ú
Miami	1995	·R±¡¨g·Q¦±
Michael	1997	¤Ñ¨Ï¦Ì·d	¤Ñ¨Ï¤£³]¨¾
Micki and Maude	1985	¼¯µn»ô¤H
Microcosmos	1997	ÂIÂÎÂÎ
Midnight Crossing	1989	½Ä¥X¤È©]
Midnight Eye	1990	¤È©]¤§²´
Midnight Madness	1981	¾î½Äª½¼²°õ¨ìÄ_
Midnight Run	1989	¤È©]¨g©b
Mighty Aprodite	1996	µL¼Ä·R¬ü¯«	«D±j¤O¬KÃÄ
Miles from Home	1991	¾Ö©ê¿E±¡
Miller's Crossing	1991	­·¶³¦A°_®É
Mimbo no Onna	1994	¥Á¼É¤§¤k
Mimic	1997	¯µ±K«È
Minor Seductions	1981	¤p¼bªº»¤´b
Miracle of Joe, The	1987	¨R÷¾Ô¤h
Miracle on 34th Street	1994	¹Ú¤Ûµó©_½t
Miracle Worker, The	1982	³Ð©_ªÌ
Miranda	1990	¬Ã©gªáªº¼¤±æÄò¶°
Mirror Crack'd, The	1983	¯}Ãè©_®×
Mirror Has Two Faces, The	1997	Â÷ÃÐÅʦ±	¶V·R¶V¬üÄR
Misery	1991	¦M±¡¤Q¤é	¾Ô·X¹CÀ¸
Misltime	1986	¤T®q¥Ñ¬ö¤Ò
Missing	1982	¤j¥¢ÂÜ
Missing Link, The	1981	¤H¤§ªì
Mission Galactica: The Cyl on Attack	1980	¥d©Ô¬î¥[Äò¶°
Mission in Action 2: The Beginning	1986	¦aº»§Ö¨®
Mission in Action 2: The Beginning	1986	±þ¥X¤õ¦aº»
Mission, The	1987	¾Ô¤õ¯B¥Í
Mission: Impossible	1996	¾·~¯S¤u¶¤	¤£¥i¯àªº¥ô°È
Mississippi Burning	1989	¯P¦å¼É¼é	¯P¦å¤j­·¼É
Mistress	1994	¹õ«á±¡¤H
Misty	1997	°gÂ÷ªá§T
Misunderstood	1985	Â_·Rªº¥@¬É
Mobile Suit Gundam F91	1991	¾÷°Ê¾Ô¤h°ª¹FF91
Mobsters	1991	¦¿´ò¦nº~
Modern Problems	1982	¶Àºñ¤Ñ®v°l¤k¥J
Moderns, The	1989	¤Ú¾¤®ö±Ú
Mokoto	1986	¬ü¤k¦Û¥Õ®Ñ
Moll Flanders	1996	»ñ»R¬õ¹Ð
Moment of Truth	1984	Às«Â¤p¤l
Mommie Dearesrt	1982	¿Ë·Rªº¶ý«}
Mona Lisa	1987	»X®RÄR²ï
Mondo Strip	1981	¤K¤Q¦~¥N©]¥Í¬¡
Money Mania	1987	·m¿ú¤]ºÆ¨g
Money Pit, The	1986	¥j©Ç«Î
Money Talks	1997	¶W¯ÅÅF¤Ñ¹p
Money Train	1996	¼É§T§Ö¨®	»È½u­·¼É
Monkey Shines	1989	¤Û®üÅ]ÆF
Monment of Turth II, The	1986	Às«Â¤p¤lÄò¶°
Monsignor	1983	¯«»P¼¤
Monster	1980	²`®ü²§§Î
Moon 44	1990	¬PªÅ¾Ô¤h
Moon Angel	1996	¤ë¤§¤k¯«
Moonlight & Valentino	1996	¤ë¥ú±¡¤H
Morning After, The	1987	ªEÃä¿Ñ±þ®×
Mortal Kombat	1995	®æ°«¤§¤ý	Å]®c«Ò°ê
Mortal Thoughts	1991	­P©R«ä·Q
Moscow on the Hudson	1984	Åܸ`¤p¤Hª«
Mosquito Coast	1987	¤å©ú¤§®È
Most Desired Man	1995	¦çÂd¸Ìªº¨k¤H
Mother Lode	1983	¦aº»¨¦
Mother's Day	1984	¦å¸{¨Ä¥J
Moule Le Ya	1989	¤â·n¯¼Â´¨®
Mountain Family Robinson	1980	§Q¤h®a®x­ì³¥¼Ö
Mountains of the Moon	1990	¥§Ã¹ªe¤§®È
Moving Violations	1985	¥j´b¾Ç¯«À¸®t°©
Mr. Happy and the Boss	1993	ªáµó¦Ê§²¹Ï
Mr. Holland's Opus	1996	¥Í©R¦]§A°ÊÅ¥	¬K­·¤Æ«B1996
Mr. Jones	1994	·R±¡©u­Ô­·	¦ñ§Ú±¡²`
Mr. Mom	1984	¶ý«}¥ý¥Í
Mr. North	1992	¸I¸I«N­¦§g
Mr. Saturday Night	1994	¬P´Á¤»¥ý¥Í
Mr. Wonderful	1994	¬õ®Q¥ý¥Í
Mrs. Doubtfire	1994	ªÎ¶ý¥ý¥Í	¯·²À¥¤ª¨
Much Ado About Nothing	1994	©ê±o¦³±¡­¦	³£¬O¨k¤H·Sªºº×
Multiplicity	1996	3­Ó¯ùÞs¤@­Ó¨Ð	¤V¤Ò¤@ÆYµ¨
Mummy's Home	1980	¥Pºq§®»R
Muppet Movie, The	1981	¥¬¤½¥J
Murder by Decree	1980	¤û©]°l±þ
Murder in the First	1995	¤@¯Å¿Ñ±þ	¶Âº»­·¶³
Muriel's Wedding	1995	¤@¹Ù«ë¶ùªº¤ß	§®ÄRªº¬K®d
Murphy's Law	1986	¼É¤O¥ý¾W
Murphy's Romance	1986	§¨¤ß±¡
Music Box	1990	¤j±±¶D
Music Teacher, The	1989	¦±²×±¡¥¼¤F
My Best Friend's Wedding	1997	¯uªº·Q¶ù§A	·s®Q¤£¬O§Ú¡H¡H¡H
My Blue Heaven	1990	§á­p¤j¤Ö
My Bodyguard	1981	§Úªº«OÅß
My Cousin Vinny	1992	§®­p§á°®©[
My Family	1995	¿@±¡¦ñ§Ú¤ß
My Father the Hero	1992	Ä_¨©«N¨Î¤H
My Father's Glory	1992	ªì´çÆA¶§¤Ñ
My Father's Wife	1980	ªÅÁúÃø¿W¦u
My Father, the Hero	1994	¿Ë¿ËÃa±¡¤H
My First Sin	1981	©Êªº¸o¹L
My Girl	1992	Ä_¨©¤p±¡¤H
My Left Foot	1990	µL®¬¤µ¥Í
My Life	1994	±¡²`¨ì¥¼¨Ó	±¡²`¨ì¨Ó¥Í
My Life as a Dog	1987	ª¯Áyªº·³¤ë
My Mother's Castle	1993	§i§OÆA¶§¤Ñ
My Nights with ...	1980	¤@½b¥|¼b
My Own Private Idaho	1992	¤£Åùªº¤ÑªÅ
My Science Project	1985	¬ï±ô¤T¤d¦~
My Stepmother is an Alien	1989	¤Ñ¥~­¸¥P
My Tutor	1985	·R±¡´¡¯Z¥Í
Mystery Train	1991	¤T­ÓÂŤë
Mystic Pizza	1989	ªÚ¤ß±¡¿@
Nadia	1984	¤@­¸¨R¤Ñ
Nadine	1987	©çÀÉ«N­Þ®a
Naked and Cruel	1989	¥@¬É´Ý»Å¼g¯u
Naked Cage, The	1986	¶Âº»¯Ú¯×
Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear	1991	¥ÕÀY¯«±´¦AÅ㯫«Â	¯¸¦b¤l±i¤Wªº¨k¤H
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult	1994	¥ÕÀY¯«±´²×·¥®¬°d
Naked Gun, The	1989	¥ÕÀY¯«±´«i±Ï¨ÆÀY±C
Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! 		¥ÕÀY¯«±´	¼uÀsªêº]
Naked Lunch	1992	¬¡¦º¤H¤§®È	ÞóÅé¤ÈÀ\
Naked Tango	1992	¨ª»r±´¤à
Name of the Rose, The	1987	Å]®c¶Ç©_
Naomi	1981	¸T§xÄå®ç
Narrow Margin	1991	Åå§T±ùªá
Nasty Girl, The	1991	Ãa¤k«Ä
Natural Born Killers	1994	¤Ñ¥Í±þ¤H¨g	°{ÆF±þ¤â
Natural, The	1984	¤Ñ½ç©_¤~
Navy Seals	1990	­¸ªê¯«ÆN
Needful Things	1994	¤W«Ò³Q°­ª±
Neighbors	1982	ª±¦º¹jÂ÷
Nell	1995	©gº¸ªºªÚ¤ß	¤j¦aªº¤k¨à
Nelly et Mr. Arnaud	1997	º}¬yªÚ¤ß
Nemesis	1993	¹q¤l¾Ô³õ2027	¶W¶V²×µ²ªÌ
Net, The	1995	ºôµ¸Åå»î	ºô¸ô¤W¨­
Never Cry Wolf	1984	¯TÂÜ
Never Ending Story 		Å]°ì¥PÂÜ	¤jÅ]°ì		
Never Say Never Again	1984	ÅKª÷­è«i¹Ü¨µ¯è¾É¼u
Never Talk to Strangers	1996	±þ¦º§Aªº·Å¬X	§O©M­¯¥Í¤H»¡¸Ü
Never too Young to Die	1987	¨M¾Ô¤õ¦aº»
Neverending Story III, The	1996	Å]°ì¥PÂܧ¹µ²½g	¤jÅ]°ì¤T
Neverending Story, The	1985	Å]°ì¥PÂÜ
New Jack City	1991	¯Ã¬ù¶Âµó
New Nightmare	1995	¦A¨£¥ç¬O²r°­
New York Nights	1983	¯Ã¬ù­·±¡©]
New York Stories	1989	¯Ã¬ù¬G¨Æ	¤j³£·|¶Ç©_
Nick of Time	1996	¤d¶v¤@¾v	­n©Rªº¨M©w
Nico	1989	¨ª¤â«ÂÀs
Night Crossing	1983	°½´ç¤H
Night of the Creeps	1987	Åܫͦä
Night of the Shooting Stars	1990	¯e¨«Ác¬P©]
Night on Earth	1997	¥@¬É©O¤ÀÄÁ
Night Patrol	1985	·d¯º®tÀ]
Night Stalker, The	1986	ªáµó¨gÅ]
Night We Never Met, The	1994	ªí¿ù¤@©]±¡
Nightaingale Sang in Berkeley Square, The	1981	¶Àª÷¼s³õ¤j§T®×
Nightawks	1981	©]ÆN
Nightbreed	1991	¸sÅ]¹L¬É
Nightmare before Christmas, The	1994	©Ç½Ï«°¤§©]
Nightmare City	1982	°­­¹¤H
Nightmare on ELM Street II: Dream Warriors, A	1987	ݯ´À¨­
Nightmare on Elm Street IV: The Dream Master, A	1989	«Õ­ß°­¤â
Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddie's Revenge, The	1986	²r°­Äñ¨­
Nightmare on Elm Street V, A: The Dream Child	1990	²r°­µó²Ä¤­¶°:©]©]°­Äñ¨­
Nightmare on Elm Street, A	1985	²r°­µó
Nightmares	1983	°­ÆFºë©Ç
Nightwing	1980	§l¦å½¿½»
Nikita	1990	¼Z¸¨ªá
Nine Months	1995	¤E¤ë¤§Äo	Ãh­L¤E¤ë
Nineteen Eighty Four	1985	¤@¤E¤K¥|
Ninja III -- The Domination	1984	¬õÃC·Ù
Ninja Mission, The	1985	§ÔªÌ´±¦º¶¤
Nixon	1996	Åå¥@ÁÀ¨¥¢w¥§§J»¹	¥Õ®c­·¼É
NMy New Partner	1985	¬ÓµPÂø®t
No Holds Barred	1990	ªêÀ»
No Mercy	1987	µ´¤£¯d±¡
No More God, No More Love	1987	¸t¤k¶Ç»¡
No Safe Haven	1990	Às¼æªê«Â
No Small Affairs	1985	¤p±¡¤H
No Way Out	1987	¿Ò®ü­x»î
Nobody Loves Me	1996	±¡¨Ó¦Û¦³¤è
Noce Blanche	1991	³v¤ô¬y±¡
Nomugi Pass	1987	³¥³Á®lªº«s·T
Noriko	1982	¨å¤l
Norma Jean & Marilyn	1997	¹ÚÅS§OÅÊ
Norma Rae	1980	¿Õ°¨Á¢
North	1995	¦A¨£¥ç¬O¤÷¥À
North Sea Hijack	1980	¥_®ü¤jÃM§T
Nostradamus	1996	¹j¥@¤Ñ¾÷	¥½¥N±Ò¥Ü¿ý
Not Over My Dead Body	1982	¼¯µn±¡¸t
Nothing in Common	1987	Ãø±o¦³±¡­¦
Nothing to Hide	1982	¿@±¡»e·N
Nothing to Lost	1997	¤ýµP¥ô°È
November Plan	1980	11¤ë13
Now and Forever	1984	»}·ù
Now and Then	1996	¦¹®É©¼¨è	¨º¨Ç¤é¤l¥H¨Ó
Nowhere to Hide	1989	¹sÂI°lÀ»
Nowhere to Run	1993	ÅK¦å±¡©b
Nudeodeon	1981	©Ê·RÂy©_¦a±a
Nutcracker: The Motion Picture	1990	­J®ç§¨¤l:¹Ú¤Û°g®c
Nuts	1989	¿U¿Nªº¤k¤H
Nutty Confessor, The	1996	ªÎ¨Ð±Ð±Â	ÀH¨­ÅÜ
Nutty Nut, The	1993	²{¥NÆY©Þ¬G¨Æ
Object of Beauty, The	1991	¬üÄRªºÁÀ¨¥
Octagon, The	1981	¤õ«÷±þ¤HÀ°
Octopussy	1983	ÅKª÷­è«i¯}Ãz¬µÄÒ
Officer and a Gentleman, An	1983	½Ä¤W¶³¾]
Official Story, The	1987	²l¤õ¤H¶¡
Oh! Heavenly Dog	1981	§®±´¾÷ÆFª¯
Ohan	1986	¹j¼_
Old Gringo	1989	¶Ã¥@¤i¶§±¡
Old Gun, The	1980	»}¤£¨â¥ß
Oliver and Company	1990	¦Ñ¤Í°OÂô¤Ñ²P
Omen IV: The Awakening	1992	¥½¤é¼»¥¹
On Deadly Ground	1994	·¥¦a¶¯­·	µ´¦a¾Ô±N
On Glodn Pond	1982	ª÷¦À¶í
On the Run	1980	¤p¥Í¨«¨Ð
On the Run	1987	°]¦³°]¸ô
Once a Family	1982	®aÅÜ
Once Bitten	1987	¤@«r¤W¨­
Once Upon a Love	1981	ªìÅʱ¡
Once Upon a Time in America	1984	¸qÁ¡¶³¤Ñ
Once Were Warriors	1995	¤i¶§ªZ¤h
Once Upon a Time in America 		¸qÁ¡¶³¤Ñ	¥|®ü¥S§Ì		
One Fine Day	1997	·R±¡¦N¤é	¤@¤éÁ鱡
One from the Heart	1983	¹Ú¤¤±¡¤H
One Thousand Billion Dollars	1983	¢Õ¢â¢×¤j¾÷±K
Onimasa	1986	°­Às°|ªá¤l
Only the Lonely	1991	·R©p¦h¤@¨Ç
Only when I Laugh	1982	¯º¤¤¦³²\
Only Yesterday	1991	·³¤ëªºµ£¸Ü
Only You	1992	±¡²o¹Ú¬ü¤H
Operation Leopard	1981	³¥°\´±¦º¶¤
Opposite Sex, The	1995	¨â©ÊÁÀ¨¥
Ordinary People	1981	´¶³q¤H
Oriental Blue	1981	¬D³r
Orphans	1990	Âê°Í¤Ö¦~
Oscar	1991	Às­ô¡A§A¦n³¥	¼u«ü«ÂÀs
Osterman Weekend, The	1984	¶g¥½¤j¦æ°Ê
Otello	1987	¶øÁÉÄR
Other People's Money	1992	·m¿ú¦Ü´L
Out for Justice	1991	Ãä½t·Ù¬P
Out of Africa	1986	«D¬w¤§®È
Out of Bounds	1986	¨F¤p¤l
Out to Sea	1997	®ü¤§¥~
Outbreak	1995	·¥«×Åå·W	¦M¾÷Á`°Ê­û
Outland	1982	¤Ñ¥~¤Ñ
Outrageous Fortune	1987	¼b«½¸U¨½°l
Outsiders, The	1984	§½¥~¤H
Over the Brooklyn Bridge	1987	¬ü°ê¦¡¬î¤Ñªºµ£¸Ü
Over the Top	1987	­¸¶VÅq®p
Oxford Blues	1986	¤û¬z¤§ÅÊ
P.O.W. The Escape	1986	¨ª¦â°k¤`
Pacific Height	1991	¤È©]Åå¥ü
Package, The	1990	Åå¤Ñ¤j·t±þ
Pale Rider	1985	³æºj¤Ç°¨ÂôÀs¼æ
Pallbearer, The	1997	¥XÂl©ê¨Î¤H
Panorama Blues	1980	ÂŦâ¹q¼v
Panoramic	1985	ÉÓÄ_³s¶}
Paper, The	1994	·m¹h·s»D²´
Paradise	1982	ª÷µ£¥É¤k
Paradise Alley	1982	®±«Â
Parenthood	1989	¯ùÞs¯R f
Paris by Night	1990	±¡§Tªá³£©]
Paris, Texas	1989	¼w¦{¤Ú¾¤	¤Ú¾¤¡E¼w¦{
Park is Mine, The	1987	­^¶¯¨xÁx
Passage to India, A	1985	¦L«×¤§¸ô
Passenger 57	1993	¤E®d±OÀs	¨µ¤à®«±N
Passion Flower Hotel	1982	«Â«Â¤»Pair¥b
Passion Island	1983	³B¤k®q
Pathfinder	1989	¥Õ©]°gÂÜ
Patriot Games	1992	¤Ñºô°lÀ»	·R°êªÌ¹CÀ¸
Patriot, The	1987	²`®üºIÀ»¾Ô
Peggy Sue Got Married	1987	®É¥ú­Ë¬y¥¼¶ù®É
Pelican Brief, The	1994	¶íÃZ·t±þ¥O	µ´¹ï¾÷±K
Pelle the Conqueror	1989	¨ª¤l¶¯¤ß
People Vs Larry Flynt, The	1997	©Ê®Ñ¤j¦ë	±¡¦â­·¼É1997
Perez Family, The	1996	¨k¤H³Ì¯k
Perfect	1985	¤Q¥þ¤Q¬ü
Perfect Couple, A	1980	¤Ñ¥Í¤@¹ï
Perfect World, A	1993	§¹¬üªº¥@¬É	±jµs«OÅß
Personal Services	1989	²Ô¤h¤£³]¨¾
Pet Sematary	1989	©]¥b¥JºVªù
Pet Semetary Two	1992	©]¥b¥JºVªùÄò¶°
Phantom, The	1996	¾uÅ\©_«L	ÅF¤Ñ©_§L
Phenomenon	1996	¤£¤@¼Ëªº¥»¯à	²Ä¤TÃþ©_ÂÝ
Philadelphia	1994	¶O«°¬G¨Æ	¶O«°
Philadelphia Experiment, The	1985	²Ä¥|«×ªÅ¶¡
Piano, The	1994	¿ûµ^§OÅÊ	¿ûµ^®v©M¦oªº±¡¤H
Pickles Make Me Cry	1990	²¾¥Á¥@¬É
Picture Perfect	1997	¯ÂÄݵêºc
Pillow Book, The	1997	ªEÃä¸T®Ñ	ªEÃä®Ñ
Pillow Talk Show	1985	¤È©]²¢¤ß
Piranha II: The Flying Killers	1982	­¹¤H­ø²Ö°©
Places in the Heart	1985	§Ú¤ß²`³B
Platoon	1987	±þ¼®¾Ô³õ	«e¶i°ª´Ö
Platoon Leader	1989	ÅK¦å¤¤±L
Player, The	1993	¹õ«áª±®a	¶W¯Å¤jª±®a
Pleasure	1990	±T±¡2ÅÊ
Plenty	1986	½Ö¥i¬Û¨Ì
Pocahontas	1995	­·¤¤©_½t
Pocket Money	1980	©ÇÂå«i±Ï¤C¥|¤C
Point Break	1991	²×·¥»¨±¡
Poison Ivy	1992	¼¤®ü¼é
Police Academy	1984	¾Çĵ¥X§ó
Police Academy 3: Back to School	1986	¦^¨ì¾Ç°ó
Police Academy 4: "Citizens on Patrol"	1987	¾Çĵ¥X§ó²Ä¥|¶°:½¤ÑÂЦa
Police Academy 6: City Under Siege	1989	¾Çĵ¥X§ó²Ä¤»¶°:¬Ó®ð¹G¤H
Police Academy II: Their First Assignment	1985	¾Çĵ¥X§óÄò¶°
Poltergeist	1982	°­ÅX¤H
Poltergeist II: The Other Side	1986	°­°l»î
Pon Poco	1995	¦ÊÅÜ»©¿ß
Ponette	1997	¤p©t¬P
Popcorn and Ice Cream	1981	»e®ç¼Ö¶é
Popeye	1982	¤j¤O¤ô¤â
Porco Rosso	1992	­¸¤Ñ¬õ½Þ«L
Porky II - The Next Day	1983	¤Ï¤æ¬PÄò¶°
Porky's	1982	¤Ï¤æ¬P
Porky's Revenge	1985	¤Ï¤æ¬P²¦·~
Portrait of a Lady, The	1997	²Q¤k¥»¦â	¦ñ§Ú¤@¥@±¡
Postcards from the Edge	1991	·³¤ë¬P¹Ð
Postman Always Rings Twice, The	1981	¼¤¤õµI¨­
Power	1990	¥w¦v­·¶³
Prancer	1992	¤Û®üµ£¯u
Prayer for the Dying	1989	±þ¤âªº¶À©ü
Preacher's Wife, The	1997	¤ÑªÅ¤Uªº©_ÂÝ	´f©g¥ð´µ¹y¤§¤Ñ¨Ï«OÃð
Predator	1987	ÅK¦å¾Ô¤h	²×·¥¾Ô¤h
Predator II	1990	ÅK¦å¾Ô¤hÄò¶°
Prelude to a Kiss	1993	¤Ñ¥~¶É±¡
Presidio	1989	Àsªê¥ý¾W
Presumed Innocent	1990	¼¤ºô¦M±¡
Pret-a-Porter	1995	¶³»n­·¼É
Pretty Executive	1992	¥´¤u«N¨Î¤H
Pretty to Pink	1986	«C¬K¬õ¯»¹Ú
Pretty Woman	1990	­·¤ë«N¨Î¤H
Priceless Beauty	1991	·ö¤ß¹Ú¬ü¤H	³Â³¶ÅÜ»ñ°Ä
Prick Up Your Ears	1989	¯d¤ß¨º¸Ü¨à
Priest	1995	¯«¤÷¦P§Ó
Primal Fear	1996	¤@¯Å®£Äß	Å宪
Prince of Tides, The	1992	·³¤ëÅåÀÜ	¼é®ö¤ý¤l
Princess Kiyo	1982	¦N¤t¤½¥D
Princess Mononoke	1997	«ÕÆF¤½¥D
Principal, The	1987	¬yª]®Õªø
Private Benjamin	1981	¶Ì©f±q­x
Private Lessons	1981	¤Ö·Ý¦³Ãø
Private Popsicle	1987	ÅÛ´b¥J·í§L
Private School	1983	ºÆ¨gè°©f¥J
Prizzi's Honor	1986	Às»ñ«N­Þ®a
Professional Seven	1980	±K¥O¤j±þ¤â
Professional, The	1982	©_¿Ñ±þ¤â
Project A - Ko	1989	a¤l­p¹º
Project Shadowchaser	1992	ªêÁx·Ù¬P
Project X	1987	X­p¹º
Promise, The	1980	¤s·ù®ü»}
Psycho II	1983	IJ¥ØÅå¤ßÄò¶°
Psycho 		IJ¥ØÅå¤ß	Åå»î°O		
Puberty Blues	1983	«C¬K®öªá
Pulp Fiction	1995	¦MÀI¤Hª«	¶Â¦â°l½r¥O
Pump up the Volume	1992	Âꤣ¦íªº¤ÑªÅ
Punch, The	1980	§ê°­§ê°¨
Punchline	1989	¦W©C«N­Þ®a
Punisher, The	1989	¯Sĵ«ÂÀs
Puppet Master	1990	¤Ä»î²§±Ú
Pure Formality, A	1995	«Õ°ê¨®¯¸
Purple Hearts	1985	µµ¤ß¾±³¹
Purple Hearts	1986	µµ¤ß¾±³¹
Purple Rain	1985	µµ«B¬õ®B
Purple Rose of Cairo	1985	À¸°²±¡¯u
Pursuit	1984	®·ÆN
Pussycat Syndrome, The	1983	°½±¡ª÷µ·¿ß
Pyramid of Fear	1986	Å]²Ã°l»î
Q & A	1991	ÅK®×­·¶³
Queen of 1000 Years	1983	¤d¦~¤k¤ý
Queen, The	1983	¤k«Ò
Quest for Fire	1982	¤õºØ
Quick and The Dead, The	1995	»ñ»R¨g¨F	­P©Rªº§Ö·P
Quick Change	1991	µÛ¯ó¤@±Ú
Quiet Days of Firemen	1997	µ¥±Ï¤õªº¤é¤l
Quiz Show	1995	¹õ«áÁÀ¨¥	¯q´¼¹CÀ¸
Race for the Yankee Zephyr	1982	­¸¤Ñ¤J®üµo¾î°]
Rachel Papers, The	1990	©Ê·PªºÁÛ°m
Racing Bull 		¨g¤û	ÆZ¤û		
Racing with the Moon	1986	±¡³õ·s¤B
Radio Days	1987	·³¤ë¬yÁn	¨º­Ó®É¥N
Raggedy Man	1983	¤o¯ó¤ß
Ragtime	1984	¤j®É¥N
Raiders of the Lost Ark	1982	¹ÜÄ_©_§L	ªkÂd©_§L
Rain Man	1989	¤â¨¬±¡¥¼¤F	«B¤H
Rainbow	1997	±m­i¥¢ÅѨƥó
Rainbow Kids	1991	¤j»¤©ä
Raising Arizona	1987	Ä_¨©¹ÚÅå»î
Rambling Rose	1993	®e©ö¨ü¶Ëªºª´ºÀ
Rambo: First Blood Part II	1985	²Ä¤@ºw¦åÄò¶°
Ramma 1/2	1994	¶Ã°¨1/2¨M¾Ô®ç¤Û¶m
Ran	1986	¶Ã
Ransom	1996	Å«ª÷­·¼É	¸j²¼³q½r¥O
Rapid Fire	1993	ÀsÅQ¤Ñ¤U
Rause the Titanic	1981	ÅK¹F¥§ªó²î­«¨£¤Ñ¤é
Ravager, The	1980	¦â±¡®Ö¤l¼u
Raw Deal	1986	Ãä½t¾Ô¤h
Razorback	1986	ÂyÅ]
Re-Animater	1986	¬¡¸õ«Í
Real Genius	1986	¤Ñ¤~§@¤Ï
Real McCoy, The	1994	¯«°½«N¨Î¤H
Rebecca 		½¹½º¹Ú	½¹½º¬K¹Ú		
Reckless	1984	«C¬K¿E¥ú
Recruits	1986	ĵªá¥X§ó
Red Heat	1986	½Ä¥X¥Í¦º½u
Red Scorpion	1989	¨ª¦â«ÂÀs
Red Scorpion 2	1994	Å]ç²¥ý¾W
Red Shoe Diary	1993	¬õ¦â°ª¸ö¾c
Red Sonja	1986	¤k¤ý¯«¼C
Red Squirrel, The	1994	¬õªQ¹«±þ¤H¨Æ¥ó
Reds	1982	¶Ã¥@±¡¤Ñ
Reflecting Skin, The	1992	Å]°­»P§Ú¦P¥Í
Reform School Girls	1987	¼Z¸¨©f
Regarding Henry	1991	ÁÙ§Ú±¡¯u
Relentless	1990	¤é¸¨±þ¤â
Relic, The	1997	ÅܺØ	²Ä¤TÃþ²×µ²ªÌ
Remains of The Day, The	1994	§i§O¦³±¡¤Ñ
Remo Williams	1986	±s¥Î±þ¤â
Renaissance Men	1994	¦Ü´L­x®v
Rendez-vous	1986	±¡³´©]¤Ú¾¤
Renegades	1990	¨ª¦â¶¯¯T
Rent a Cop	1989	¦M±¡©]
Rescue, The	1989	¾Ô¤õ¶¯ÆN
Rescuers Downunder, The	1991	¯««i´±¦º¶¤
Restoration	1997	¯BµØ¼È­É°Ý
Return from the River Kwai	1989	®Ûªe¾ôÄò¶°
Return of Jedi: Special Edition	1997	ªZ¤h´_¤³¢w¯S§Oª©
Return of the Living Dead, The	1985	¼M°­µf¥Í
Return of the Terminater	1986	¥¼¨Ó¾Ô¤hª§ÅQ¾Ô
Return to Oz	1986	¦^¨ìºñ³¥
Return to the Blue Lagoon	1991	91«C«C¬À·ä®q
Return to the Living Dead III	1994	Å]ÆF½¥Í
Reunion	1990	¶É©R¯u±¡
Revagers	1980	¤õ¦aº»
Revenge	1991	½ºÅʪá
Revenge of the Nerds	1985	°­°¨®Õ¶é
Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise	1987	°­°¨¤Ñ°ó
Reversal of Fortune	1991	»¨ªùÄ^¶Å
Revolution	1986	«ã¤õ¤sªe
Rhapsody in August	1991	¤K¤ë¨g·Q¦±
Rhinestone	1984	²rÀs«lºq
Rich and Famous	1982	ºaµØ´I¶Q
Richie Rich	1995	«Â«ÂÁï¤Ö·Ý	°]¯«·í®a
Ricochet	1991	¤Ñ¦Mµ´ºô
Rift, The	1990	Å]õ
Right Hand Man, The	1989	¸T¤îªº¾Ö©ê
Right Stuff, The	1986	©ºªÅ¥ý¾W	¤ÓªÅ¥ý¾W
Rip-Off, The	1981	¦aÀYÀs
Ripoux Contre Ripoux	1991	¬ÓµPÂø®tÄò¶°
Rise and Fall of Idi Amin	1982	¨g¤Hªü±Ó
Rising Sun	1994	¦°¤é°l¥û	¦°¤éªFª@
Risky Business	1984	¨Ä¥J¤]ºÆ¨g	«O°e¤J¾Ç
River Wild, The	1994	¨g³¥¤§ªe	ÅåÀÜÀb®ö
Road to Wellville, The	1995	¯·²ÀºÆ¤H°|
Roadhouse	1989	®±ÅQµóÀY
Roar	1982	·à¤l¼Ö¶é¶}¤ß¦a
Rob Roy	1995	­À°©»¨±¡	¨ªÁx»¨±¡
Robin Hood	1991	«LµsÁa¾î
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves	1991	ù»«º~	«Lµs¤ý¤lù»«º~
Robocop	1987	ÅK¥Ò«ÂÀs	¾÷¾¹¾Ôĵ
Robocop 2	1990	ÅK¥Ò«ÂÀsÄò¶°
Robocop 3	1993	ÅK¥Ò«ÂÀs3¶°
Rock and Rule	1984	¸U¥@Å]¬P
Rock, The	1996	¥Û¯}¤ÑÅå	µ´¦a¥ô°È
Rocketeer	1991	¤õ½b¤H
Rocky Horror Picture Show	1983	¬¥©_®£§G±ß·|
Rocky III	1982	ªê«Â
Rocky IV	1986	Às®±ªê«Â
Rocky V	1990	¬¥©_²Ä¤­¶°:	«ã¤õÀs®±
Rocky 		¬¥©_	¬¥°ò		
Roller Boogie	1980	¼b©j¨à
Roman Holiday 		ª÷ªK¥É¸­	ù°¨°²´Á		
Romancing the Stone	1984	³q¤Ñ¤p¤l«N¼b«½
Romantic Comedy	1984	­·¬y§Ö¬¡
Romeo is Bleeding	1994	¦å¦b¿N
Rookie, The	1991	¼É­··F±´
Room with a View, A	1987	»B§N»A¤§ÅÊ	µ¡¥~¦³ÂŤÑ
Rose, The	1981	ª´ºÀ¨g¼ö
Roselyn and the Lions	1990	¹¥®«¬ü¤H
Rosemary's Killer	1982	¹Ü©Rª´ºÀ
Rosen-Hausen Camp, The	1981	¤¿´Ý¯ÇºéÄÒ
Rough Cut	1980	¶W¯Å¦Ñ¤d¤jºu¤Í
Rumor of War, A	1981	¦aº»¾Ô
Runaway	1985	¹q¤l³´¨À
Runaway Train	1986	¼É¨«¦C¨®
Running	1980	±j¤H
Running Scared	1983	±þ®ð¨R¤Ñ
Running Scared	1986	©Û¿n§®±´
Russian House, The	1991	¬õÀð¿ÒÅÊ
Ruthless People	1986	±þ©d­p¤¤­p
S. H. E.	1980	¥Ûªo«°¤j³±¿Ñ
Sabrina	1996	·sÀs»ñ°t	·sÀs»ñ°t
Sahara	1984	¼»«¢©Ô
Saint Seiya	1990	¸t°«¤h¬P¥Ú
Saint, The	1997	«L¸t	¯«°­¦Ü´L
Salaam Bombay	1989	µóµ£
Salem's Lot	1981	¤È©]¦æ«Í
Salor Moon S	1996	¬ü¤Ö¤k¾Ô¤hS
Salt on Our Skin	1993	¦³±¡¤£®¬
Salute of the Jugger	1990	¥½¥@¸t°«¤h
Salvador	1986	Âĺ¸¥Ë¦h
Sand Castle	1992	©~ªÌÉN¨ä«Î
Santa Claus the Movie	1985	¸t½Ï¦Ñ¤H
Santa Clause	1995	¤µ­Ó¸t½Ï¤j¥ó¨Æ
Santa Sangre	1990	¸t¦å
Sarafina!	1994	©b¦Vź¶§
Satan's Sisters	1981	¤p¼Ó¬K¥¿¿@
Saturday, Sunday and Friday	1980	¾P»î¹Ú¤¤¤H
Saturn 3	1981	¤g¬P¤T¸¹
Savage Africa	1984	´Ý»Å­·«U¹ê¿ý
Savage Islands	1986	¤jµs©_§L
Savage Street	1985	Ä˹ܭ¸»ñ
Savage World Today	1989	®£§Gªº¤H¥Í
Savage Zone	1987	¥ý¤Ñ¤j´Ý»Å
Sberlin Affair, The	1987	¬fªLÄ^ÅÊ
Scandal	1989	»ñ»R­^­Û
Scanners	1981	¹Ü©R¤¿ÆF
Scanners III: The Takeover	1992	¤È©]Å]Àû
Scape to California	1982	¥[¦{¤j°k¤`
Scarface	1984	¬Í­±·Ù¬P
Scarlet Letter, The	1996	¬õ¦â¸TÅÊ	¯u·R¤@¥Í
Scenes from a Mall	1991	±B¥~ª«»y
Scent of a Woman	1993	¤k¤H­»
Scent of Green Papaya, The	1994	«C¤ì¥Ê¤§¨ý
Scent of Passion	1992	¼·«B¼º¶³
Schindler's List	1994	µÎ¯S©Ôªº¦W³æ	¨¯¼w°Çªº¦W³æ
Scorned Woman, A	1995	»¶¨­¦M±¡
Scream	1997	¹Ü©R¨g©I	ÅåÁn¦y¥s
Screwballs	1984	è°©f¦³Ãø
Scum	1980	¶Âº»¾Ô¤h
Sea Killers	1980	ªêÃT»P§Ú
Sea Wolves, The	1980	®ü¯T¬ðÀ»¶¤
Search and Destroy	1980	ª®À»¤â
Secret of Bigfoot, The	1981	ÅKª÷­è¤j¯}¦a¤U«°
Secret of Flower, The	1996	·R¡E¤õ¡Eªá
Secret of My Success, The	1987	µo¹F¤§¸ô	¦¨¥\ªº±K¯µ
Secret of Nimb, The	1983	«i´±¹«¶ý¶ý
Secret of Yolanda, The	1983	°×¤k±¡²`
Secrets	1982	¬üÄRªº¦^¾Ð
Secrets of Lies	1996	¯µ±K»PÁÀ¨¥	¯µ±K»PÁÀ¨¥
See No Evil, Hear No Evil	1989	§®½ìÉÓÄ_
See You at the Campground	1997	¹J¨£§A³ßÅw§A
Seems Like Old Times	1981	¶Ì©f³ß¬Û³{
Sense and Sensibility	1996	²z´¼»P·P±¡	²z©Ê»P·P©Ê
Sensual Fire	1981	®a¦³¤p¼b
Sensualist, The	1992	¦n¦â¤@¥N¨k
Sensuous Housewives	1981	¤p¤p¤ô»e®ç
Separate Lives	1995	¨â©Êªá
Serial Mom	1994	¹êÅ¥©Ôªº¥À¿Ë
Serie Noire	1984	º×¤ô¬õÃC
Set the Night on Fire Lambada	1990	 c¤Ú¼ö»R
Setting Sun, The	1992	¤W®ü¤j¦ë§ù¤ë²Æ
Seven	1995	¤C©v¸o	¤õ½u°l½r¥O
Seven Black Note	1980	°­²´
Seven Samurai, The 		¤C«L¥|¸q	¤CªZ¤h		
Seventh of July, Sunday	1997	¢¶¤ë¢¶¤é¡A´¸
Sex Dream	1986	¤Û±m¦~µØ¹Ú¦p¸Ö
Sex in Sex	1981	¬K¤¤¬K
Sex Mission	1992	ÅK¹õ©Ê¨Æ
Sex of Animal Kingdom, The	1987	¦ÊÃ~©_½ì¿ý
Sex Tutor	1986	­Ý¾¤k±Ð®v
Sex with the Stars	1980	¤Q¤G©Ê®y
Sex, Lies and Videotape	1989	©Ê·Pªº¨¥¨¥
Sexual Response	1993	¬D±¡¼ö½u
Sexy Dozen, The	1981	¢×¢ß²Ä¤@¤k®Õ
Sexy Holocaust	1981	¥@¬É©Ê·R©_½ì¿ý²Ä¥|¶°
Sexy Nights Report	1981	¦â±¡©]¥Í¬¡
Shadow of China	1991	Às¦b¤¤°ê
Shadow of Doubt, A	1995	Å¥¤£¨ìªº­úª_
Shadow of the Wolf	1995	¦B¤tÂy©_
Shadow, The	1994	¾y¼v©_«L
Shadowlands	1994	´¿¸g²`·R¹L
Shall We Dance	1996	½Í½Í±¡¡A¸õ¸õ»R	§Ú­Ì¨Ó¸õ»R§a
Shallow Grave	1995	¦P«Î¤T¤ÀÅå
Shame of the Jungle	1990	¤£¤å®õ¤s
Shanghai Vance King	1987	¤W®ü»R¥x
Shark Hunter, The	1982	¦å°«ÃT³½ÆW
Sharks	1980	ÃM§T®Ö¤l¼ç¸¥
Sharky's Machine	1982	¯Sĵ¨F°ò
Shattered	1991	²¾»î§T
Shawshank Redemption, The	1995	¤ë¶Â°ª­¸	¨ë¿E1995
She Devil	1990	©E¾L§®¤k­¦
She's the One	1997	²q¤ß¹CÀ¸
Sheena - The Queen of the Jungle	1985	´ËªL¤k¤ý
Shelting Sky, The	1991	±¡³´¼»«¢©Ô
Shine	1997	°{«Gªº­·ªö	¿ûµ^®v
Shining Through	1992	­^¯P±¡½t	·R¦b¾Ô¤õ½¯©µ®É
Shining, The	1983	°{ÆF	°­©±
Shock, The	1982	±þ¤âµL±¡
Shocker	1990	²r°­¹q¤ý
Shocking Asia	1982	¥jÆFºë©ÇªF«n¨È
Shogun	1981	¤j±N­x
Shogun's Samural	1980	ª§ÅQ
Shoot the Moon	1983	®g¤ë
Short Circuit	1986	ÅRÆE¤­°ä
Short Cuts 		¤H¥Í¥æ¤eÂI	»È¦â©Ê¨k¤k
Short Time	1991	·i¿ù©R
Showdown in Little Tokyo	1991	±þ¼®³£¥«
Showgirls	1995	ÆA»R¤k­¦	¬ü°ê»RÄ]
Shy People	1990	¯u±¡¤§®È
Sibling Rivalry	1991	°½¤ë«N¨Î¤H
Sicilian Cross, The	1982	ÅKª÷­è«i¯}¥Õ¯»À°
Siege	1984	Åå·X¤Q¤G¤p®É
Silent Rage	1982	²Ä¥|Ãþ±þ¤â
Silkwood	1984	¬I¬¡ªº¾D¹J
Silver Bullet	1986	¯TÅ]
Silverado	1986	»È«°¤j¨M°«
Simple Twist of Fates, A	1995	ÁÙ¬Oı±o§A³Ì¿Ë
Single White Female	1992	Å|¼v¨gªá	Âù­±¤k­¦
Singles	1993	³æ¨­¤@±Ú
Sister Act	1992	­×¤k¤]ºÆ¨g
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit	1994	­×¤k¤]ºÆ¨gÄò¶°
Sister Emmanulle	1981	¹ý©³©^Äm
Sister Street Fighter	1980	¤k¥²±þ¤â
Six Weeks	1985	·R§A¤»¬P´Á
Skin Deep	1989	¤£¤å¤j¤V¤Ò
Sky Pirares	1986	³q¤Ñ¹ÜÄ_
Slamdance	1989	°g±¡¦©
Slaves of New York	1990	¼¯µn¯Ã¬ùFUN
Sleep with Me	1995	¦P§ÉÃö«Y
Sleepers	1996	¨IºÎªÌ	»¨±¡¥|¥S§Ì
Sleeping Dog	1983	©ë®·¥O
Sleeping with the Enemy	1991	»P¼Ä¦P¯v	»P¼Ä¤H¦PªE
Sleepless in Seattle	1993	½t¥÷ªº¤ÑªÅ	¦è¶®¹Ï©]¥¼¯v
Sleepwalker, The	1992	¯ç¦å©]Å]
Slience of the Lambs, The	1991	¨IÀqªº¯Ì¦Ï
Slient Fall	1995	µLÁnªº³´¨À
Sliver	1993	°½¿s	»È¦âÂyª«
Smoke	1996	¥Í©R¤¤¤£¯à©Ó¨üªº·Ï	·Ï
Smorgasbord	1983	½k¶îºÖ¬P
Sneaker Blues	1983	¤T¤H²Õ»P¹B°Ê¾c
Sneakers	1993	³q¤Ñ¯«°½	¯«°­¦y§L
Sniper	1992	Âùª®¤H
So Fine	1982	µo°]¤û¥J¿Ç
Soft Hands	1981	¸Ü°µ´N°µ
Soldier's Story	1986	¶Â©]ºjÁn
Soldier's Story, The	1983	´Ý»Å¾Ôª§¹ê¿ý
Solider	1983	¾÷°Ê¾Ô¤h
Something to Talk about	1995	½Í±¡»¡·R	·R±¡Å]¤O
Something Wild	1989	ÆA¹J
Somewhere in Time	1982	®É¥ú­Ë¬y¤C¤Q¦~	¦ü´¿¬ÛÃÑ
Sommersby	1993	¦ü¬O¬G¤H¨Ó	¨k¨à¥»¦â
Sophie's Choice	1983	Ĭµáªº§à¾Ü
Sothern Comfort	1983	¤E«ãº~
Soul Man	1987	¯Ü¥Ö¥ý¥Í
Soursweet	1992	»Ä²¢
Space Camp	1987	¤pÆFºë«iÂô¤ÓªÅ¦a
Space Jam	1996	¤ÓªÅ¤]¤J¾ê	©Çª«©_§L
Spacehunter	1983	Å]°ì¾Ô¤h
Spasms	1983	©âµ¬
Spawn	1997	¦A¥Í«L	°{ÆF®«±N
Specialist, The	1994	¬¶¼u±M®a	Å]°­±M®a
Specials	1986	ª÷µP¤j¸é
Species	1995	²§ºØ
Speechless	1995	ºÉ¦b¤£¨¥¤¤
Speed	1994	¥Í¦º®É³t	®Â½Ã¾Ôĵ
Speed 2: Cruise Control	1997	¥Í¦º®É³tÄò¶°	®«½Ã¾Ôĵ2¡G³ã¦å¨µ¬v
Splash	1984	¬ü¤H³½
Split Second	1992	¦åÅ]°l»î
Spontaneous Combustion	1990	²Ä¤TÃþ¨Ó«È
Spookies	1987	²r°­¦^»î
Spring Bell	1987	Äåªá§OÅÊ
Spring Break	1983	©O¯Z¦Ê¹½¥J
Spring in Hong Kong	1981	­»´ä¤p¼Ó¬K
Spy Hard	1996	«D±`¥Y°È	²×·¥¯º±´
Stand by Me	1987	¦ñ§Ú¦P¦æ
Stanley and Iris	1990	¼g¤£¥Xªº±¡¸Ü
Star 80	1984	±¡Ãø±Ë
Star Chamber, The	1983	¦a¤Uµô§P¹Î
Star Man, The	1996	¬P¥ú¦ñ§Ú¤ß©µÄò½g
Star Terk: Generations	1995	¬PªÅ©_¹J°O¤§¬PªÅ©_§L	¤é´«¬P²¾
Star Trek - The Motion Picutre	1980	¬PªÅ©_¹J°O
Star Trek II - Wrath of the Khan	1983	¤Ñ¦½ªº¼««ã
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock	1985	Å]®cÀsªê°«
Star Trek IV: Voyage Home	1987	¦^¨ì¦a²y
Star Trek: First Contact	1997	¬PªÅ²Ä1À»	¾Ô°«¨µ¯è
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back	1980	«Ò°ê¤ÏÀ»¾Ô	«Ò°ê¤j¤ÏáÙ
Star Wars: The Return of Jedi	1983	ªZ¤h´_¤³	µ´¦a¤j¤Ï§ð
Starflight One	1983	­¸¬P¤@¸¹
Stargate	1995	¦t©z©_§L	¬P»Ú©_§L
Starman	1985	¤Ñ¥~±¡
Stay the Way You are	1982	±¡¨ì¿@®É
Staying Alive	1984	¥ÍÀs¬¡ªê
Stealing Beauty	1996	µs¬ü¤H	°½­»
Stealing Heaven	1991	¹Ð½t¥¼¤F
Steel and Lace	1991	°l»î©]¦Xªá
Steel Magnolias	1990	±`¦ñ§Ú¥ª¥k
Stelia	1981	¤j®a»Ó¨q
Stella	1990	¯uªº·R§A
Step-Fathe II	1990	Å]°­±¡­¦
Stick	1985	²r°­¥XÅ¢
Stictches	1986	ºÆ¨gÂå¾Ç°|
Still of the Night	1984	°gÂ÷¤k±þ¤â
Sting II, The	1984	¦Ñ¤d­pª¬¤¸¤~Äò¶°
Stir Crazy	1981	ªü¨û¦³Ãø
Stolen Heart	1996	·R±¡¥¢ÅѨƥó	°½¤ß­p¹º
Stone Cold	1991	¤E¤Ï«ÂÀs
Stop! Or My Mother Will Shoot	1992	Às¶ý¥X®t	¥À¤l«ÂÀs
Story of Joanna, The	1991	¶³«B±¡ªá
Story of Love	1983	·R¨ì²`³B
Story of the Dolls	1989	±¡¾Ö»e®ç¬õ
Story oof O Part II	1985	OÄ]Äò¶°
Strange Days	1996	¥½¥@¬ö¼É¼é	¤G¤Q¤@¥@¬ö«e¤@¤Ñ
Strange Invaders	1985	¥~¬P¨Ó«È
Street Fighter	1995	µóÀYÅQ¤ý	§Ö¥´±Û­·
Street of Fire	1984	«ã¤õµóÀY
Streetsmart	1987	ªáµó¶Ç©_
Strickly Ballroom	1993	»R¥X·R¤õªá
Striking Distance	1994	­P©R¶ZÂ÷	²×·¥Äµ±´Á`°Ê­û
Stripes	1982	ÂøµP­xªF©º
Striptease	1996	²æ¦ç»RÄ]	²æ¦ç»RÄ]
Stryker	1984	¤¿ÀI¦a±a
Student	1990	·ö¨k«è¤k
Stuff, The	1986	²§§Î¤j¨aÃø
Sudden Death	1996	¬ðµM¦º¤`	µ´©R±þ°}
Sudden Impact	1984	»¶¤â¯«±´«i«l¨R¤Ñ
Suite 16	1996	¹jÀ𦳲´
Sum of Us, The	1995	¦P§Ó§¨¤ß¤H
Summer Lovers	1982	®L¤éÅʤH
Summer of Fear	1980	¼²°­
Summer Vacation	1999	1990	¥@¬ö¥½´»°²
Sumo Do, Sumo Don't	1994	¤­­Ó¬Û¾ëªº¤Ö¦~
Super Gun Lady	1980	ĵªá°«¦âÅ]
Super Mario Brothers	1993	¶W¯ÅÉÓÄ_¥S§Ì	¶W¯Åº¿²ú
Super Weapon	1980	²{¥N«Ä¤l¾Ôª§ªZ¾¹
Supergirl	1985	¤k¶W¤H
Superman II	1981	¶W¤HÄò¶°
Superman III	1983	¶W¤H¤j¯}¹q¸£ÅQ¤ý
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace	1987	¶W¤H²Ä¥|¶°:¨M¾Ô®Ö¯à¤H
Supersnooper	1981	¯«³q¤p¤l
Superstition	1984	°­¸}
Surprise Party	1984	è°©fÂô±¡Ãö
Suspect	1989	ÅK«ß¬X±¡
Sweet and Savage	1984	´Ý»Å¤j¥@¬ö²Ä¤G¶°
Sweet Dream	1986	²¢¹Ú
Swept away	1992	±¡¥Ã¦b
Swing Swift	1985	Ãú¤ô±¡
Swinging Wives	1980	³¥ªá­»
Switch	1991	¿ùÅé¤k­¦
Switching Channels	1989	­Þ®a¤T¤åªv
Swllowtail Butterfly	1997	¿P§À½º
Sword and the Sorcerer, The	1982	§Å³N¯«¼C
Sword of then Barbarians, The	1983	¸U¼C¤§¤ý
Table for Five	1983	¤­¤f¤§®a
Tai Pan	1986	¤j¯Z
Taking of Beverly Hill, The	1992	´¼¨ú¤ñµØ§Q¤s
Tales from the Darkside	1990	§¯©]¶Ç»¡
Talk Radio	1989	¦º¤`¼ö½u
Talking and Walking	1997	¨}½tª¾¤v
Tall Guy, The	1989	°ª¨Ð¥ý¥Í
Tango and Cash	1990	«ãªê¨gÀs
Tank	1985	©Z§J©_¿Ñ¤÷¤l§L
Tank Girl	1995	©Z§J¤k­¦
Taps	1982	«iªÌµL¼Ä
Target	1987	­¸¶VªF¬fªL
Target Eagle	1984	ÅKª÷­è«i¯}®Ö¤lÄÒ
Tattoo	1984	¯¾¨­
Taxi Driver 		ªº¤h¥q¾÷	­pµ{¨®¥q¾÷		
Taxing Man II, A	1992	¬d¤§¤k¤§·m¶Â¿ú
Taxing Woman, A	1990	¬d¤§¤k
Teach Me	1981	±Ð§Ú¬K¤ß°Ê
Teasers go to Paris	1980	¤p¥Í¥¢Â§
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle II	1991	§ÔªÌÀt
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles	1990	§ÔªÌÀt
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III	1993	§ÔªÌÀtIII
Teenage Playmates the Incredible Hulk	1980	¼b¼b¤k¥Jªï¬K¦±
Teenager	1981	¦â¼¤¬K¼é
Teenager Emmannelle	1981	¦­¼ôªº¦ã°Ò§¬
Teenwolf	1986	¯T­L¤p¤l
Tellier House, The	1984	¬õ®B¥ô§AÂI
Temptation	1981	¬°¦â°g
Tender, The	1992	¸U¨½¨g©b
Tendres Cousines	1981	¤Q¤K¶³­^¥¼¶ù®É
Tenebrae	1986	°gÂ÷¤j¥û±þ
Tentazione	1990	µI¤ß¥H¤õ
Tequila Sunrise	1990	¾¤©úÅRÆE¤õ
Terminal Choice	1985	¯T¤ß¯T³N
Terminal Velocity	1994	²×·¥³t«×	Å]¤Ñ®«±N
Terminator II: Judgement Day	1991	¥¼¨Ó¾Ô¤hÄò¶°
Terminator, The	1985	¥¼¨Ó¾Ô¤h	Å]°­²×µ²ªÌ
Terms of Endearment	1984	±`¦b§Ú¤ß¶¡
Terror Express	1984	¤È©]¼É¦æ¨®
Terror Eyes	1981	¯Ú¯×§T
Terror in the Aisles	1985	®£§G¤j¥þ
Tess	1982	ÂLµ·©h®Q
Texas Chinasaw Massacre Part II, The	1987	¬¡«ÍÀ\
That Thing You Do	1997	¨º¤@¤Ñ¶Ç©_	¾×¤£¦íªº©_ÂÝ
That's Life	1987	¥Í¤§¼Ö³¹
Thelma and Lovise	1991	¥½¸ô¨gªá
There Was a War When I Was a Child	1987	¶Ã¥@µ£¯u
They Called Him Buildozer	1980	¦Ñªê±ÐÀY
They Live	1989	·¥«×ªÅ¶¡
Thief of Baghdad, The	1980	¤@¤E¤K¹s¤ë®cÄ_²°
Thief of Hearts	1985	¥Î·R±N¤ß°½
Thieves and Robbers	1984	¦Ñªê»P§®¸é
Thing, The	1982	©Ç§Î
Things Call Love, The 		¤@¥Í¦ó¨D	·R±¡³oª±·N		
Things to Do in Denver when U're Dead	1996	¤­­Ó±þ¤âªº¶Ç»¡	¨¤ÀY±¡¸t
Thinner	1997	Ý`¨ì¦º
Thirty Nine Steps, The	1980	¨B¨BÅå¤ß
This is America Part 2	1980	Án¦â¤ü°¨¬ü§Q°í1980
Three Amigos	1987	¸q«i¤T©_«L
Three Colors: Blue	1994	ÂÅ¥Õ¬õ¤T³¡¦±¤§ÂÅ	ÂŦⱡ¬D
Three Colors: Red	1995	ÂÅ¥Õ¬õ¤T³¡¦±¤§¬õ	¬õ¦â±¡²`
Three Colors: White	1994	ÂÅ¥Õ¬õ¤T³¡¦±¤§¥Õ	¥Õ¦â±¡¿@
Three Fugitives	1989	Åå«C¤T¤H²Õ
Three Men and a Crade	1986	´ê¥J¤T¤H²Õ
Three Men and a Littly Lady	1991	BB¤]ºÆ¨g
Three Musketeers, The	1994	·s¤T¼C«L	»¨±¡¤T¼C«È
Three Ninjas	1992	Ä_¨©«ÂÀs
Three of Hearts	1993	¤T­ÓÅpÅpªº¤ß
Threesome	1995	±¡¼¤ªÅ¶¡
Through the Olive Trees	1997	¾ñÆV¾ð¤Uªº±¡¤H
Thunder	1985	¹p¾^¤@À»
Ticks	1995	ÅܺئåÅ]
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! 		¸i¦í§Ú¡B§x¦í§Ú	¸j¤W¸j¤U		
Tiger Joe	1982	¦Ñªê¯S§ð¶¤
Tilai	1994	¤Ñ°Ý
Tilt	1982	«N«½«½
Time After Time	1981	°lÂÜ100¦~
Time Bandits	1983	®É¥ú¤jµs
Time Guardian	1989	¥¼¨Ó¯Sĵ
Time to Kill, A	1996	±þ¼®®É¨è	±þ¼®®É¨è
Timebomb	1991	®ÉªÅ°lÀ»
Timecop	1995	®ÉªÅ¯Sĵ
Tin Cup	1996	²y·Rªº¤ÑªÅ	¤d¸U­·±¡
Tina, What's Love Got to Do with It	1993	¤Ñ®R¯u·R¤S¦p¦ó
To Be or Not to Be	1984	§ê³¥©_§L
To Die For	1996	¤£±¤¤@¤Á	¾÷±K
To Live and Die in L.A.	1986	Åå¤Ñ¤j¦æ°Ê
Toa Toa	1982	¨§¨§
Tokugawa Duna Kei Batsu Shi	1989	´Ý»Å¦Dªk©_Æ[
Tokyo Pop	1990	ªF¨ÊªiªO¿}
Tokyo Story	1990	ªF¨Êª«»y	ªF¨Ê¬G¨Æ
Tom & Viv	1996	µ§¥~Â_¸z¤Ñ	´ö¥À»PÁ¨ªÜ
Tom Horn	1980	¤j­^¶¯
Too Hot to Handle	1991	©ê±o¬ü¤HÂk
Tootsie	1983	§ùµ·¥ý¥Í
Top Gun	1986	§§§Ó­â¶³	®Â½Ã¾Ô¤h
Top Secret	1984	¯QÀs¤j¾÷±K
Tora-San Confesses	1993	ÅÊ·R«Å¨¥
Tora-San Takes a Vacation	1992	ÅÊ·R°²´Á
Torasay, My Uncle	1991	ÅÊ·RÅU°Ý
Torch Song Trilogy	1989	¦P©Ê¤T¤À¿Ë
Total Eclipse	1996	¤ß¤§¥þ»k	¥þ»k¨g·R
Total Recall	1990	¦t©z«ÂÀs	Å]°­Á`°Ê­û
Toto Le Heroes	1992	¤p­^¶¯§ù§ù	¦«¦«¤p­^¶¯
Touch	1997	±¡¾÷¤@IJ
Touch and Go	1990	±¡¿@¦A¬Û³{
Touch Guys	1987	¦A¤W±ç¤s
Touched by Love	1985	®¦²`±¡§ó²`
Tough Cop	1989	ªê¥Þ±OÀs
Tough Enough	1983	«÷«l
Tous les Matins Du Monde	1994	¤é¥X«eÅý´d¶Ë²×µ²
Toy Soldier	1991	ÅF¤Ñ¤Ö·Ý§L
Toy Story	1996	¤Ï¤æ©_§L	ª±¨ãÁ`°Ê­û
Toy, The	1983	¤Ö·Ý¥J
Traces of Red	1994	¬õ®B¦å®×
Tracked	1987	°k¤`²×¯¸
Trading Places	1983	¹BÂà°®©[
Traffic Jam	1992	¤@°_¨«¹Lªº¤é¤l
Trail of the Pink Panther	1983	¶Ì°\
Trainspotting	1996	°g¤Û¦C¨®	²q¤õ¨®
Trap, The	1991	°k±¡Ä^ÅÊ
Treasure of the Four Crowns	1984	¹ÜÄ_Àsªêº]
Trenchcoat	1985	³{¥û¤Æ¦N¤kºÖ¬P
Trial by Jury	1995	¹õ«áµô¨M
Tribute	1981	§^®a¦³¤lªìªø¦¨
Trick or Treat	1987	®£§G¥¨¬P
Trip to Beautiful, The	1986	Âײ±¤§®È
Troll	1986	¹jÂ÷«Î¦³°­
Tron	1983	¹q¤l¥@¬Éª§ÅQ¾Ô
Truck Guys	1980	³f¨®¤p¤l
True Lies	1994	¯u¹êÁÀ¨¥
Truely, Madly, Deeply	1992	¤@«Î¤@°­¤@±¡¤H
Tucker	1989	³Ð·~¥ý¾W
Turbulence	1997	´¡ÁlÃø­¸	¦M¾÷¥ô°È
Ture Confessions	1982	¤@¥@¤H«B¥S§Ì
Ture Romance	1994	®öº©­·¼É	µ´©R¤j·Ù¬P
Turf Turf	1985	©í¤â¥Ê
Turkey Shoot	1982	±þ¥XÅ¢
Turn On	1989	ºÑÄR²ïªº±¡¤H²Ä¤G¶°
Turner & Hooch	1990	¥j´bÁà©çÀÉ
Turth about Cats and Dogs, The	1996	²³¸Ì´M¦o°Â¿ù¸ô	·R±¡¥nÀ³
Twelve Monkeys	1996	12µU¤l	¥¼¨ÓÁ`°Ê­û
Twice in a Lifetime	1986	¨k¤H¤ß
Twilight Zone the Movie	1983	°gÂ÷¹Ò¬É
Twin Peaks 		°gÂ÷§T	Âù®p		
Twinkle	1995	¬P°{°{
Twins	1989	Às¥S¹«§Ì
Twist again in Moscow	1990	Åܸ`¤p¨k¤H
Twister	1996	Às±²­·¼É	Às±²­·
Two Moon Junction	1989	°½¤ë±¡
Two of a Kind	1984	¤Ñ¥Í¤@¹ï
U2 Rattle and Hum	1989	U2¼ÖÃý·sÁn
Unbearable Lightless of Being, The 		¥¬©Ô®æ¤§ÅÊ	¥¬©Ô®æ¤§¬K		
Under Fire	1984	¦M«°¤Q¤é
Under Siege	1993	¼çÀsÅF¤Ñ	Å]°­¾Ô±N
Under Siege 2: New Territory	1995	¼É¨«¼çÀs	Å]°­¾Ô±N2
Under the Rainbow	1981	¸G¥J­x¤j¾x±m­i§ø
Undercover Blues	1994	³q¤Ñª×©³
Underground	1996	¨S¦³¤ÑªÅªº³£¥«	¦a¤UªÀ·|
Underground Aces	1982	¼Àªø¸}
Unesmmon Vaior	1984	¤KµëÀs
Unfaithfully Yours	1984	©E¾L¤V¤Ò«N¼b©d
Unforgettable	1996	Å|¼v°l¥û
Unforgiven	1993	»¨±¡»\¤Ñ	±þµL³j
Unholy, The	1991	Å]©]Â÷»î
Universal Solider	1992	¦A³y¾Ô¤h	Å]°­©R¥O
Unknown Soldier, The	1987	½Ã°ê¾Ô³õ
Unlanful Entry	1992	¼É§TÅå»î	¦MÀI²Ä¤T±¡
Unman Wittering and Zigo	1981	ªüSir¦³Ãø
Unmarried Woman, AN	1980	±B¥~±¡
Until the End of the World 		©ú¤é¥@¬É²×µ²®É	ª½¨ì¥@¬É¥½¤é		
Untouchables	1987	¸qÁx¶¯¤ß	ÅK­±µL¨p
Up Close and Personal	1996	±Ë¤£±o§A	¦]¬°§A·R¹L§Ú
Up the Military	1986	è°©fÂøµP­x
Urban Cowboy	1980	ªo¯×¤û¥J
Us Two	1996	·P©x¤Ñ¨Ï
Usual Suspects, The	1996	«D±`¶ûºÃ¥Ç
Vacation	1984	¼¯µn¦è¹C°O	¨ë¿EÅåÃzÂI
Vamp	1992	¬ï±ô²r°­«°
Vampire's Kiss	1990	°I°­·R¤H
Vampires in Venice	1990	±¡¼¤«ÕÆF
Vampyr	1981	¬¡íL«Í
Vandou	1981	§Å
Vanishing, The	1994	³u¼vÅå¤ß
Venderta	1986	»¶¤â­¸»ñ
Vengence is Mine	1987	§Ú­n´_¤³
Venom	1982	¤ßÅåÁx¸õ¤Ü¤p®É
Verduct, The	1983	µô¨M
Vice Squad	1981	©h·Ý¥J
Vice Squard	1985	ªê¤f¯Ú¯×
Vice Versa	1989	¤W¿ù¦Ñ¨§¨­
Victor Victoria	1983	»Û¶¯²ö¿ë
Videodrome	1986	²r°­¤Ä»î
View to a Kill, A	1985	ÅKª÷­è«i¾Ô¤j¨gÅ]
Village Dreams	1985	´I¶QÀI¤¤¨D
Village of Dreams	1997	¹Ú¤§§ø
Vindiicator, The	1986	³à«Í´±¦º¶¤
Violence Women's Prison	1984	¤H¥}¥Ç±Z´Ý¥v
Violent Streets	1982	¦åæF¼É¤Oµó
Violets are Blue	1986	¦¹±¡¤£¦A
Virtuosity	1995	±þ¤Hµw¥ó6.7	®ÉªÅ®Â±NSID	6.7
Virus	1982	®Ö¤l¤j¨M¾Ô
Visiting Hours	1982	±´¯fù©R
Vivement Dimanche!	1985	±¡±þ®×¤¤®×
Volcano	1997	¬¡¤õº²«°	¤õ¤sÃzµo
Volere Volare (Wish to Fly)	1994	§Ú·R¥d³q¤H
Voltes V	1983	·s¾÷°Ê¾Ô¤h
Volunteers	1986	Áï¤Ö·Ý¥¢«Â
Voodoo Passion	1982	§Å¤k
Voyager	1991	¬Á¼þª´ºÀ
Waiting to Exhale	1996	²{¥N¤k¤H¤ß	µ¥«Ý¹Ú¿ô®É¤À
Walk in the Clouds, A	1995	¯u·Rªº­·ªö	º©¨B¦b¶³ºÝ
Wall, The	1982	°gÀð
Wallace and Gromit	1996	¶W¯ÅµL¼Ä´xªùª¯
Wanda Nevada	1982	¤j¦Ñ¤d»P¤p§¯ºë
Wandereers, The	1980	µóÀYÅQ¤ý
Wanted Dead or Alive	1987	ÅF¤Ñ¾Ô¤h
War and Love	1986	¯P¦å¾Ô¤õ±¡
War Games	1983	¯u°²¾Ôª§
War of the Roses, The	1990	¿ù¹ï­Þ®a
War Requiem	1989	¦w»î¦±
War, The	1995	¾ð«Î¤Wªºµ£¯u	­^¶¯«OÅß
Warlock	1989	¼»¥¹¦^Âk
Warlock: The Armageddon	1993	¼»¥¹¦^ÂkIIÅ]¨Ï¤Ä»î
Warning Sign	1986	²Óµß¯E§T
Warrior & the Sorceress, The	1985	±OÅ]¯«¼C
Warriors of Virtue	1997	¤­¦æ¾Ô¤h	¤­¦æ¾Ô¤h
Watcher in the Woods	1983	®É¥ú©Ç«È
Water	1987	·d¯º­²©RÄÒ
Waterworld	1995	¥¼¨Ó¤ô¥@¬É	¤ô¥@¬É
Wayne's World	1992	¤Ï¤æ´¼¦h¬P
We Are No Virgins	1981	»r¤kªL
We're No Angels	1990	¤Ñ¨Ï¨g©b
Wedding Story, The	1993	»e¤ë«N­Þ®a
Wedding, A	1980	¨}¨°¦N¤é
Wedlock	1991	¦åÂê­¸Às
Weird Science	1985	¹q¸£«N¬õ®Q
Welcome Home	1991	±¡Âk¦ó³B
Welcome to Dollhouse	1997	¯Â¯u¶Ç»¡
Wet Gold	1985	ª÷¬À·ä
Wet Side Story		¹ÚÂ_«°¦è	¦è«°¬G¨Æ
What a Drag	1997	¦P§Óª«»y
What about Bob?	1992	¤Ñ¤~¤]ºÆ¨g
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?	1994	¤£¤@¼Ëªº¤ÑªÅ
Wheels of Terror	1987	¯Çºé¯S§ð¶¤
When a Man Loves a Woman	1994	·í¨k¤H·R¤W¤k¤H
When a Stranger Calls	1980	Åå©I¨g¥s
When Father was Away on Business	1986	ª¨ª¨Â÷®a¤W¯Z¥h
When Harry Met Sally	1990	90¨kÅw¤k·R	·í«¢§Q¸I¤W²ï²ú
When Time Ran Out	1980	¤õ¤sÃzµo
Where have All the Men Gone?	1985	¸TªG»_Á¢
Where You Are	1991	¤µ©]±¡Âk¦ó³B
Whetherby	1986	¤£³t¤§«È
While You Were Sleeping	1995	·tÅʧA¡A·tÅÊ©p	¤G¨£Á鱡
White Balloon, The	1997	¥Õ¨T²y
White Birn Black Ear	1991	¤H¤ü±¡¥¼¤F
White Man's Burden	1996	«D±`¶Â¥Õ¨Æ¥ó
White Nights	1986	¥Õ©]°k¤`
White Palace		±¡°g¤»¤ëªá	±¡¬D¤»¤ëªá
White Squall	1996	«ã®üź¶§	¥¨®ö
White Water Summer	1989	ª¾¤v¦P¤ß
Who Dare Wins	1983	¢á¢Ï¢á¯SºØ³¡¶¤
Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure	1982	¦Ñªê³£­n«Â
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?	1989	¹Ú«°¨ßºÖ¬P
Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe	1981	¦â­»¨ý¿Ñ±þ®×
Who Will Love Children	1984	¨à¤k¶¤ß¶¡
Who'll Stop the Rain	1982	­¸¦æ¾Ô¤h
Who's that Girl	1987	¬õ®BÄ×¼v
Whose Life is it Anyway?	1982	¤£­n¬¡¤U¥h
Wicked City 3	1993	§¯Ã~³£¥«3Å]¬É­·¶³
Wicked City II	1992	§¯Ã~³£¥«¤§¦aº»¸t¤k
Wicker Lady, The	1984	¯T°ü
Widows Peak	1995	¨S¦³¤V¤Òªº¤é¤l
Wife on Vacation, Mistress in Town	1981	§á°P¤V¤ÒÅÛ´b©d
Wifemistess	1983	²Ä¤T¬q±¡
Wild at Heart	1990	³¥©Êªº¤ß
Wild at Heart	1993	¤£Åùªº¤ß	§Ú¤ß¨g³¥
Wild Cats	1986	³¥¿ß
Wild Geese II	1985	³¥ÃZ´±¦º¶¤¦AÅV¯«³q
Wild Ones, The	1985	¦åªy¼Z¸¨¼é
Wild Orchid	1990	³¥Äõªá
Wild Orchid II: Two Shades of Blue	1992	³¥Äõªá¤§ÅÊ
Wild Reed	1996	³¥Äª¸«
Wilderness Family Part 2	1980	¥@¥~®ç·½¾úÀI°O
William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet	1997	ù»e¼Ú»P¯üÄR¸­¢w«á²{¥N¿E±¡½g	ù»e¼Ú»P¯üÄR¸­
Willy Milly	1989	è°©f¶Q©m
Wings of the Apache	1991	ÅRÆE¨k¨à
Winter People	1991	¤H¶¡¦³±¡
Wish You Were Here	1987	¤£Åùªº¤Ö¤k
Whisper of the Heart	1997	¹Ú¤Ûµó¤Ö¤k
Whispers in the Dark	1992	©]Åå¼é
Witchboard	1987	Å]°­ºÐ¥P
Witches of Eastwick, The	1987	­Þ°­®»¥ì¤H
With Honors	1994	¤H¥ÍÂIºw¬O¯u±¡
Without a Clue	1991	¯µ©Ð¯«±´
Witness	1985	·À¤f¤j°l±þ
Witness in the War Zone	1987	¨©¾|¯S¤j±O±þ
Wizard of Loneliness, The	1989	¾y¼v¬y¯u
Wolf	1994	§¯¤§ÅÊ
Wolfen	1982	¤Ñ¯T§T
Woman in Red, The	1985	¬õ¦ç¤k­¦
Woman Next Door, The	1984	¹jÀðªá
Woman of Desire	1994	±¡¼¤¤§¤k
Woman on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown	1990	¤k¬°®®¤vªÌ¨g
Women's Camp 119	1981	­x§²Àç119
Working Girl	1989	¥´¤u¤k­¦	¤W¯Z¤k­¦
World Apart, A	1989	µLÁnªº·³¤ë
World is Full of Married Men, The	1980	¬ü°ê¤V¤Òªk°ê©d
World of the Last Man, The	1982	®£§G¥Í¬¡
World Safari II	1987	«iÂô¨â¥b²y
World War	1980	¤j¾Ô¨g·Q¦±
Worth Winning	1990	Àu¥Ö±¡¸t
Wuthering Heights	1994	½g½g±¡·Nµ²
Wyatt Earp	1994	¸q®ü¶É±¡	Ãh¨È¯S¤Ì´¶
Xanadu	1981	¥P¼Ö³£
Xiro	1984	Å]§Z
Yaaba	1992	§Ú·R±C±C
Yanka	1984	½ñ¤W«C¶³¸ô
Yasha	1987	©]¤e
Year of Living Dangerously	1985	¨aÃø·³¤ë
Year of the Dragon	1985	Às¦~
Years of the Gun	1992	¿Ò¸ô¨g©b
Yellow Hankerchief	1980	©¯ºÖ¶À¤â¸h
Yen Family	1990	·m¿ú®a±Ú
Yentl	1984	®¦®ç
Yes, Giorgio	1983	¬°§A°Û±¡ºq
Yesterday	1981	¬Q¤é¥¼¤F½t
Yojimbo		¥Î¤ß´Î	¤jÃð«È
Young Doctor in Love	1983	¨£²ßÂå¥Í°l¤k¥J
Young Guns, The	1989	Às«Âªê±N
Young Prisoner's Handbook, The	1996	¤Ö¦~¸¨¬r¨Æ¥óÁ¡
Young Seducers, The	1980	ºu¤k¤Q¤K©Û
Young Tycoon, The	1980	ªá¤ß¤j¦ë
Young Vampire	1982	§ê³¥íL«Í¤Ö¤k¦å
Young Warriors	1987	±þ®ðÄËÄË
Youngblood	1986	¯««Â¤pªê¶¤
Your Place Or Mine	1984	©ç©ì¤d¤é¦n
Yu Yu Hakusho	1996	«Õ¹C¥Õ®Ñ¤§­ß¬É¦º°«½g	«Õ´å¥Õ®Ñ
Yumechiyo	1987	¹Ú¤d¥N¤é°O
Zandalee	1991	±¡¬D³¥ª´ºÀ
Zapped!	1984	¦h±¡¾Ç¥Í©f
Zero Boys, The	1987	ªÏ¸Ñ±O³õ
Zombi Holocaust	1981	°­­¹°­
Zulu Dawn	1980	¦å®ü¤sªe